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Custom Commands & Announcements Variables:

Basic Variables:

Name Shorten Aliases Supported Platform Supported System Purpose
%time% All Custom Commands & Announcements Output local time depending on timezone set in control panel
%date% All Custom Commands & Announcements Output local date depending on timezone set in control panel
%timefull% All Custom Commands & Announcements Output local time/date (Includes timezone) depending on timezone set in control panel
%timezone% All Custom Commands & Announcements Output local timezone depending on timezone set in control panel
%sender% All Custom Commands & Announcements Output username of who used the command
%random_user% All Custom Commands & Announcements Output username of Random User in chat
%botname% All Custom Commands & Announcements Output username of bot
%channel% All Custom Commands & Announcements Output username of channel
%subcount% Twitch, Trovo Custom Commands & Announcements Output the number of subscribers for the channel
%viewercount% Twitch, Trovo Custom Commands & Announcements Output the number of viewers for the channel
%followercount% Twitch, Trovo Custom Commands & Announcements Output the number of followers for the channel (Updated hourly or upon a new follower)
%chatterscount% Twitch, Trovo Custom Commands & Announcements Output the number of chatters within the channel chat
%moderatorcount% Twitch, Trovo Custom Commands & Announcements Output the number of moderators for the channel
%vipcount% Twitch, Trovo Custom Commands & Announcements Output the number of vips for the channel (Twitch Only!)
%currentDonationGoal% All Custom Commands & Announcements Output Current Chat Based Donation Goal Title.
%currentDonationGoalAmount% All Custom Commands & Announcements Output Current Chat Based Donation Goal Current Amount.
%currentDonationGoalTotal% All Custom Commands & Announcements Output Current Chat Based Donation Overall Goal Amount.

Advanced Variables:

Name Shorten Aliases Supported System Purpose
%pointsbalance(USERNAME)% Custom Commands & Announcements Output a users MJRBot points balance
%count% Custom Commands Enable/Output the count which displays how many times a command has been used
%countoutput(CustomCmdName)% Custom Commands Output the count value on another custom command
%commandinput% %inputs%
Custom Commands Output all of the arguments from the user input, Example '!test mjrlegends test123' would use 'mjrlegends test123' for this variable
%commandinputarg(NUMBER)% %input(NUMBER)%
Custom Commands Output selected choice of argument from the user input, Example '!test mjrlegends test123' & %commandinputarg(0)% would use 'mjrlegends' for this variable
%commandinputargNoTags(NUMBER)% %inputNT(NUMBER)%
Custom Commands Output selected choice of argument from the user input without any @ caused by tagging of users from within the chat, Example '!test "mjrlegends test123' & %commandinputargNoTags(0)% would use 'mjrlegends' for this variable
%commandinputNoTags% %inputsNT%
Custom Commands Output all of the arguments from the user input without any @ caused by tagging of users from within the chat, Example '!test @mjrlegends test123' would use 'mjrlegends test123' for this variable.
%customapi(URL)% Custom Commands & Announcements Output page result for an url, Example '%customapi(https://pastebin.com/raw/hSQhv5uT)%'.
%customjsonapi((URL)JSONParsing)% Custom Commands & Announcements Output page result for an url contain json data depending on provided json data,

Example 1 '%customjsonapi((https://pastebin.com/raw/rJcdJdfu).data[0].relationships.comments)%'.

Example 2 '%customjsonapi((https://pastebin.com/raw/usX45p6A).batters.batter[0].type)%'.

Example 3 '%customjsonapi((https://pastebin.com/raw/usX45p6A).topping[0].type)%'.

Example 4 '%customjsonapi((https://pastebin.com/raw/usX45p6A).name)%'.
%action(runcmd|CMD INPUTS)% Custom Commands Perform a action based on the type & inputs supplied,

Type: runcmd - Executes a default command or custom command (this custom command must not have any action variables with type runcmd in its response)

Example '%action(runcmd|settitle %inputs%)%'.

%action(say|MESSAGE)% Custom Commands Perform a action based on the type & inputs supplied,

Type: say - Sends new msg to chat

Example '%action(say|Test Message)%'.

%action(reply|MESSAGE)% Custom Commands Perform a action based on the type & inputs supplied,

Type: reply - Replies to user running command

Example '%action(reply|Test reply for %sender%)%'.
%action(sayannouncement|ANNOUNCEMENT_ID)% Custom Commands Perform a action based on the type & inputs supplied,

Type: sayannouncement - Sends output of an announcement to chat as a msg

Example '%action(sayannouncement|1)%'.

Game Integration Variables:

PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Variable Format:


Supported Platforms:

  • steam

Supported Types:

  • solo
  • solo-fpp
  • duo
  • duo-fpp
  • squad
  • squad-fpp

Examples of usages

Example 1: %pubg_kills(steam:mjrlegends:solo)%

Example 2: %pubg_wins(steam:mjrlegends:duo)%


Variable Format:


Supported Platforms:

  • kbm
  • gamepad
  • touch

Examples of usages

Example 1: %fortnite_wins(kbm:mjrlegends)%

Example 2: %fortnite_matchesPlayed(kbm:mjrlegends)%

Example 3: %fortnite_matchesPlayed(gamepad:mjrlegends)%

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

Variable Format:


Supported Platforms:

  • stream

Examples of usages

Example 1: %csgo_kills(steam:mjrlegends)%

Example 2: %csgo_matchesPlayed(steam:mjrlegends)%

Example 3: %csgo_wins(steam:mjrlegends)%


Variable Format:


Examples of usages

Example 1: %minecraft_ping(mc.mjrlegends.com:25599)%

Example 2: %minecraft_description(mc.mjrlegends.com:25599)%

Example 3: %minecraft_playersonline(mc.mjrlegends.com:25599)%

Runescape RS3 Overall Profile Stats

Variable Format:


Examples of usages

Example 1: %runescape_totalskill(mjrlegends)%

Example 2: %runescape_combatlevel(mjrlegends)%

Example 3: %runescape_questsstarted(mjrlegends)%

Runescape RS3 Profile Skills

Variable Format:



Examples of usages

Example 1: %runescape_skillXP_mining(mjrlegends)%

Example 2: %runescape_skillXP_ranged(mjrlegends)%

Example 3: %runescape_skillXP_firemaking(mjrlegends)%

Game Integration Stat Inputs:

Name Game Stats Type GameMode
assists pubg Overall all
bestRankPoint pubg Overall all
boosts pubg Overall all
dBNOs pubg Overall all
dailyKills pubg Overall all
damageDealt pubg Overall all
days pubg Overall all
dailyWins pubg Overall all
headshotKills pubg Overall all
heals pubg Overall all
killPoints pubg Overall all
kills pubg Overall all
longestKill pubg Overall all
longestTimeSurvived pubg Overall all
losses pubg Overall all
maxKillStreaks pubg Overall all
mostSurvivalTime pubg Overall all
rankPoints pubg Overall all
rankPointsTitle pubg Overall all
revives pubg Overall all
rideDistance pubg Overall all
roadKills pubg Overall all
roundMostKills pubg Overall all
roundsPlayed pubg Overall all
suicides pubg Overall all
swimDistance pubg Overall all
teamKills pubg Overall all
timeSurvived pubg Overall all
top10s pubg Overall all
vehicleDestroys pubg Overall all
walkDistance pubg Overall all
weaponsAcquired pubg Overall all
weeklyKills pubg Overall all
weeklyWins pubg Overall all
winPoints pubg Overall all
wins pubg Overall all
top5 fornite Overall all
top3 fornite Overall all
top6 fornite Overall all
top10 fornite Overall all
top12 fornite Overall all
top25 fornite Overall all
score fornite Overall all
matchesPlayed fornite Overall all
wins fornite Overall all
winspercent fornite Overall all
kills fornite Overall all
kdradio fornite Overall all
timePlayed csgo Overall all
score csgo Overall all
kills csgo Overall all
deaths csgo Overall all
kd csgo Overall all
damage csgo Overall all
headshots csgo Overall all
dominations csgo Overall all
shotsFired csgo Overall all
shotsHit csgo Overall all
shotsAccuracy csgo Overall all
snipersKilled csgo Overall all
dominationOverkills csgo Overall all
dominationRevenges csgo Overall all
bombsPlanted csgo Overall all
bombsDefused csgo Overall all
moneyEarned csgo Overall all
hostagesRescued csgo Overall all
mvp csgo Overall all
wins csgo Overall all
ties csgo Overall all
matchesPlayed csgo Overall all
losses csgo Overall all
roundsPlayed csgo Overall all
roundsWon csgo Overall all
wlPercentage csgo Overall all
headshotPct csgo Overall all
ping minecraft Overall all
description minecraft Overall all
version minecraft Overall all
playersonline minecraft Overall all
playersmax minecraft Overall all
players minecraft Overall all
totalskill runescape Overall all
totalxp runescape Overall all
combatlevel runescape Overall all
magic runescape Overall all
melee runescape Overall all
ranged runescape Overall all
questsstarted runescape Overall all
questscomplete runescape Overall all
questsnotstarted runescape Overall all
loggedIn runescape Overall all
attack runescape Skills all
constitution runescape Skills all
strength runescape Skills all
defence runescape Skills all
woodcutting runescape Skills all
fletching runescape Skills all
magic runescape Skills all
mining runescape Skills all
crafting runescape Skills all
ranged runescape Skills all
cooking runescape Skills all
firemaking runescape Skills all
slayer runescape Skills all
smithing runescape Skills all
fishing runescape Skills all
construction runescape Skills all
prayer runescape Skills all
runecrafting runescape Skills all
agility runescape Skills all
thieving runescape Skills all
herblore runescape Skills all
hunter runescape Skills all
farming runescape Skills all
summoning runescape Skills all
archaeology runescape Skills all
invention runescape Skills all
divination runescape Skills all
dungeoneering runescape Skills all