Change Logs:
Control Panel Released Updates:
- 2.4.9 10/01/2025 (DD/MM/YYYY)!
- Improved the backend code for Connecting the Bot to a new or existing channel
- Improved the backend code for obtaining all rank names when looking in the module settings default rank selection
- Improved the backend code for View User Ranks & View Channel Ranks pages
- Improved the backend code for Ranks View/Manage page
- Fixed a bug with View User Ranks page not showing the correct version of itself when trying to access
- Updated copyright on footer to include 2025
- 2.4.8 31/10/2024 (DD/MM/YYYY)!
- Improved the backend code for Announcements, Custom Commands, Custom Phrases favorites
- Improved the checking if bot is connected to channel
- Improved the checking if Discord Integration is active
- Improved the checking if StreamLabs Integration is active
- Improved grabbing of StreamLabs integration data
- Improved the backend code for allowing third party projects via our internal Consent/Project system
- Improved the backend code for Disconnecting Discord & StreamLabs Integrations
- Improved the backend code for Enabling/Disabling Chat Based Donation Goals
- Added support for the New Stream Online/Offline alerts
- Added support for Enabling/Disabling Custom Phrases
- Added server name to Discord Integration data when connected
- Added error handling for Leaderboards page when Platform or/and Channel Name is not found
- Added support for the new Moderation Action Event Log for discord
- Fixed an issue on homepage with api calls
- Fixed issue with image to use for bottom being auto selected incorrectly
- Fixed Custom Phrase list page not working due to platform not being detected correctly
- Fixed Integration overlay not showing after consent page
- Fixed Getting URL for Hangman game on CP Reward Based Games page
- Fixed Discord Integration ignored users delete button not working
- Updated index page Global Analytics to use the same source of data for all data
- Support Moderation actions database change in Bot update 2.7.5
- Replaced all sql systems with api related systems
- 2.4.7 11/07/2024 (DD/MM/YYYY)!
- Improved the backend needed for deleting of Custom Commands entries
- Improved the backend needed for deleting of Custom Phrases entries
- Improved the backend needed for deleting of Quotes entries
- Improved the backend needed for deleting of Announcements entries
- Improved the backend needed for deleting of Chat Moderation Badwords entries
- Improved the backend needed for deleting of Projects user is authorized(displayed on user settings page) entries
- Improved the backend needed for deleting of Twitch Reward > Category Switcher entries
- Improved the backend needed for deleting of Twitch Reward Actions entries
- Improved the backend needed for deleting of Twitch Poll Templates entries
- Improved the backend needed for deleting of Twitch Prediction Templates entries
- Improved the backend needed for updating a whole bunch of settings and options througout the website
- Improved the backend needed for updating Custom Commands entries
- Added support for new Module of Queue
- Added new Queue page which can be used as a Queue Web panel
- Fixed Use Reply System showing as always enabled even when disabled on Custom Commands list and each Custom Command modal
- Fixed CSRF protection on Discord Custom Commands Settings form for Discord Integration
- 2.4.6 05/07/2024 (DD/MM/YYYY)!
- Added support for detecting invalid channel name or/and platform for Channel Specific Announcements List page
- Added support for detecting invalid channel name or/and platform for Channel Specific Custom Commands on Commands List page
- Added support for detecting invalid channel name or/and platform for Channel Specific Custom Phrases List page
- Improved the loading of data from the backend for Alerts Manager page
- Improved the loading of data from the backend for Announcements Manager page
- Improved the loading of data from the backend for Channel Specific Announcements List page
- Improved the loading of data from the backend for Chat Moderation Badwords Manager page
- Improved the loading of data from the backend for Channel Specific Custom Commands on Commands List page
- Improved Channel Specific Custom Commands to be A-Z based on command name on Commands List page
- Improved the loading of data from the backend for Third Party Consent page
- Improved the loading of data from the backend for Custom Commands page
- Improved the loading of data from the backend for Custom Phrases page
- Improved the loading of data from the backend for Channel Specific Custom Phrases List page
- Improved the loading of data from the backend for Stream Labs Chat Based Donation Goals page
- Improved the loading of data from the backend for Homepage
- Improved the loading of data from the backend for Discord Integrations section on the Integrations page
- Improved the front end styling and ordering of options for Discord Integrations section on the Integrations page
- Improved the loading of data from the backend for MJRBot Points Leaderboard page
- Improved the loading of data from the backend for Modules Manager page
- Improved the loading of data from the backend for View/Manage Users MJRBot Points page
- Improved the loading of data from the backend for View/Manage Quote List page
- Improved the loading of data from the backend for View/Manage Users MJRBot Ranks page
- Improved the loading of data from the backend for View/Manage MJRBot Ranks Manager page
- Twitch Only: Improved the loading of data from the backend for Poll Templates Manager page
- Twitch Only: Improved the loading of data from the backend for Prediction Templates Manager page
- Twitch Only: Improved the loading of data from the backend for Twitch Channel Points Reward Actions Manager page
- Twitch Only: Improved the loading of data from the backend for Channel Point Rewards Games page
- Fixed not being able to load Alerts Manager page when trying to view as a new user to MJRBot
- Fixed Adding of new Ignored User for Discord Integrations section on the Integrations page not redirecting you back to correct tab after
- Fixed Deleting an existing Ignored User entry for Discord Integrations section on the Integrations page not redirecting you back to correct tab after
- Fixed Channel Specific Points Leaderboards not showing at all on the MJRBot Points Leaderboard page
- Fixed Global Leaderboards not showing Platform/Channel/Username on the MJRBot Points Leaderboard page
- Fixed formatting of the Channel Panel Changes on Change log page
- Fixed not being able to load Giveaways page when trying to view as a new user to MJRBot
- Fixed not being able to load Command Cooldowns page when trying to view as a new user to MJRBot
- 2.4.5 25/06/2024 (DD/MM/YYYY)!
- Updated config settings which are updated in bot update v2.7.2
- Custom Commands: Added support for the "Send an updated count notify message in chat" config option (added in bot update v2.7.2) (off by default)
- Chat Moderation: Added support for the new chat moderation option to use a platform warning system when available (added in bot update v2.7.2)
- 2.4.4 03/06/2024 (DD/MM/YYYY)!
- Added support for Trovo Logging in
- Added specific changes needed for Trovo Platform
- Updated config settings which are updated in bot update v2.7.0
- Removed code making non platform dependent code act as platform specific code
- Improved Alerts to only show alert types that each platform is enabled for
- Updated login buttons code & disabled templated youtube button
- Updated Homepage to include Trovo content and improved the layout of all the card tiles
- Added toggle option support for Automatically creating stream marker upon new raid alert to the Alerts Manager page(Twitch Only!)
- Added new !marker DESCRIPTION' default command(which allows adding stream markers at Moderator+ permission level) to commands list page (Currently only Twitch!)
- 2.4.3 13/05/2024 (DD/MM/YYYY)!
- Improved Tab Control System javascript code
- Improved overall css and js for toggle of hidden info through out the website, collapsible sections system used on Chat Moderation Settings modal, Cleaned up a bunch of javascript code by using custom template lib versions
- Removed some not needed javascript code
- 2.4.2 12/05/2024 (DD/MM/YYYY)!
- Improved Variables page new action variable docs
- Improved Tab Control System across the whole website, so when clicking the tab button, url will reflect changes allowing page state saving
- 2.4.1 12/05/2024 (DD/MM/YYYY)!
- Fixed commands page having double in line css for font size
- Added new shorten aliases variables added in bot update v2.6.9
- Added sender id to developers page chat message (channel_chat) topic example as this data is now included as of bot update v2.6.9
- Added new Queue System (added in bot update v2.6.9) commands to commands list
- Added new action variable (added in bot update v2.6.9 to Advanced Variables Table
- 2.4.0 28/01/2024 - 16/04/2024 (DD/MM/YYYY)!
- Fixed delay input box being disabled by default for giveaways
- Updated privacy policy to include features from last bot update
- Added channel:bot scope to Twitch login ahead of IRC > EventSub for chat conversions
- Fixed a issue where reward id was getting changed to uppercase for first char causing mismatch of ids on the frontend reward action list
- Fixed %customapi% variable example being incorrect due to invalid link on the variables page
- Fixed the suggestions form Google v3 reCaptcha token timing out after a while causing suggestion to trigger a failed reCaptcha v3 checks error: 4258
- 2.3.9 28/01/2024 (DD/MM/YYYY)!
- Added ID of Announcement to the Announcements Message Manager's page
- Fixed Announcements Helper text on 'Frequency of Global Timed Announcements (Minutes)' option in the module settings
- Removed old Giveaway delay from Commands Module Settings, due to this is no longer used as Giveaway has its own way to do this on the fly now
- Fixed '!giveaway start' details being incorrect on Commands list page
- 2.3.8 15/01/2024 (DD/MM/YYYY)!
- Fixed usersettings having the wrong name for the current page data causing incorrect redirects when doing certain actions on the website
- Fixed issues with the background of the left sidebar not reaching the bottom of the nav options with certain screensizes
- 2.3.7 15/01/2024 (DD/MM/YYYY)!
- Fixed an issue with A-Z & 0-9 checking on some inputs throughout the site, due to an invalid pattern string
- Added new Chat Moderation options for Excluding Vips & Subscribers to the Chat Moderation Settings Modal
- Added a collapsible section system to the Chat Moderation Settings Modal
- Improved the layout of checkboxes through the website to have the label next to the checkbox
- Added support/new page for MJRBot's new web giveaway panel in v2.6.7 update
- Updated commands list to contain the new changes/commands for the giveaway system
- Added new page for command cooldowns information, web view possible with bot update v2.6.7
- Added support to the Alerts Manager page to reset messages back to default config value
- Added support for the new Ad Break Begin Alert type (Off by default) to Alert Manager under special alerts
- Added new scope of channel:read:ads to the twitch login button, needed for bot update v2.6.7 new ad break begin alert feature
- Updated copyright label in the footer to include 2024
- Backend tweaks & improvements for getting information to the website
- 2.3.6 17/10/2023 (DD/MM/YYYY)!
- Fixed "Visit Dashboard" being a weird small button on smaller devices such as mobile
- Fixed "Notification Alerts" drop down not being correct width on smaller devices such as mobile
- Added page for Twitch Channel Points Category Reward Switcher, which is added in Bot Update v2.6.6
- Changed Twitch Channel point pages to be in their own section on the side navbar, new section called "Twitch Channel Points Features"
- Added Category Reward Switcher page to side navbar (under "Twitch Channel Points Features" section) which is supported by bot update v2.6.6
- Added missing !dice default command to commands list
- Added !dice help & !dice calc default commands addded in bot update v2.6.6
- Added hyperlinks to the each default command entry on the commands page, to make it easier to reference a guide to help someone
- 2.3.5 14/09/2023 (DD/MM/YYYY)!
- Added context to the commands list for the Uses Global Cooldown, so thats its clear that its Per User Tracked & Only applies to Only Applies to Non VIP, Subscribers, Moderators, Broadcasters Users.
- Added context to the module option of Cooldown Time for the Commands module, so that's its clear that its a Global Default Command System & is Per User Tracked & Only applies to Only Applies to Non VIP, Subscribers, Moderators, Broadcasters Users.
- Fixed helper text for Channel Points Actions text area saying incorrect method to see examples
- Added %userinputNT% & %userinputNT_lowercase% to the Twitch Channel Points Actions page for possible placeholder variables when creating new actions, added in bot update v2.6.5
- Added "channel:manage:broadcast" scope to the Login in with Twitch button, as this is needed for the new "!settitle MESSAGE" default command added in the Bot Update v2.6.5
- Added note on Follow Alerts in Special Event Alerts section, to explain that Moderator Status will be required to get follow events from Twitch
- Added new !settitle [message] command added in Bot Update v2.6.5 to the commands list page under Moderator > General
- Improved some backend code of the site
- 2.3.4 02/08/2023 (DD/MM/YYYY)!
- Added more vertical spacing between each item for Custom Commands. Ranks, Quotes, Announcements, Custom Phrases, Twitch Reward Actions, Poll Templates when using a smaller device such as mobile
- Added support for allowing the use of the optional Use Twitch Announcement System when adding or updating Announcements, feature added in bot update v2.6.4
- Fixed announcements item headers when viewing on smaller screen sizes such as mobile devices
- Improved the code for the displaying of the platform logo on the user drop down button
- Tweaks to Dashboard Websocket handling to bring up to speed with backend changes in bot update v2.6.4
- Improved Years of Service Stat on Homepage to be calculated automatically
- 2.3.3 07/05/2023 (DD/MM/YYYY)!
- Fixed a weird issue with selecting User Sub Tab on the User Commands main tab
- Removed some console log outputs when interacting with sub tabs
- Fixed an issue with Discord Integration for Event Logs, when selecting a channel for an Event Type which does not already have a channel assigned caused no channel options to select
- Fixed an issue with Discord Integration for Event Logs, when assigning a channel to the Announcements Event Type which then caused a page looping without saving
- Fixed an issue with Discord Integration for Event Logs, when assigning a channel to 'No channel selected' which then caused a page looping without saving
- 2.3.2 07/05/2023 (DD/MM/YYYY)!
- Added more spacing between each of the Stream Live Alert Tab options on the Integrations page
- Added Sidebar Color of Go Live Alert Embed to Stream Live Alerts Tab on Integrations page, feature added in bot update v2.6.3
- Added Announcements List & Custom Phrases List that takes in a channel_name & platform query params to display channels specific lists, used for the new `!announcements` & the existing `!phrases` default command in bot update v2.6.3
- Added tabs for Rank, Quote Event Types to Event Logs page, with displaying of new/current event data
- Added placeholder event types for Custom Commands, Custom Phrases, Announcements to Event Logs page ready for the future
- Added option/support for Announcements Event Type in Discord Integration Event Log tab, used for the new `!announcementstate` default command in bot update v2.6.3
- Fixed Alt Points Name showing with spaces for the command on commands list, when spaces are included in the Name
- Changed `!phraselist default command to be `!phrases` on Commands List page, which was changed in bot update v2.6.3
- Added `!phraselist ` as a Aliases for `!phrases` default command on Commands List page
- Added `!commandslist` as a Aliases for `!commands` default command on Commands List page
- Added `!customcommandslist` as a Aliases for `!customcommands` default command on Commands List page
- Added `!announcements` default command on Commands List page, which as added in bot update v2.6.3, with Aliases `!announcementslist` & `!timers`
- Fixed missing `!prediction` default command in Moderator General Section on Commands List page
- Moved `!phrases` default command from Moderator General Section to User General Section on Commands List page
- Moved `!permit` default command from Moderator General Section to Moderator Chat Moderation Section on Commands List page
- Converted Global Commands list on Commands page to be a multi tab system instead
- Moved `!followtime` & `!accountlife` & `!accountstatus` to a new User tab in User Commands
- Added `!announcementstate` default command on Commands List page, which as added in bot update v2.6.3, with Aliases `!timerstate`
- Fixed `Support System` column on table on both the basic & advanced tab's, on the Variables page to now say `Supported System`
- Added `Supported Platform` table column on the basic tab, on Variables page to indicate which Streaming Platform they work with
- 2.3.1 25/04/2023 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Fixed Channel Specific Commands not displaying on Commands List when accessing from a link posted from !commands in chat
- 2.3.0 23/04/2023 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Added option to switch Image to use on the Bottom Image in Go Live Alert Embed to Integrations Page under Stream Live Alert Tab, to either Stream Preview or Game Art Icon or Profile Picture(Default option). This was a feature added back in bot update v2.5.2
- Added option to Enable/Disable Display Offline Image After Stream Offline in Go Live Alert Embed (Only works when Stream Preview Image is selected as bottom image) to Integration Page under Stream Live Alert Tab
- Tweaked a existing option header on Integration Page under Stream Live Alert Tab from "Display Game Box Art on the Thumbnail" to "Display Game Box Art on the Thumbnail in Go Live Alert Embed"
- 2.2.9 20/04/2023 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Fixed Platform Tokens section on View Data Page that has been broken
- Fixed Tokens section on View Data Page that has been broken
- Added 'Is Favorite' to Announcements & Custom Commands & Custom Phrases Data sections on View Data page
- Renamed 'Table' Suffixes of each section to say 'Data' instead as this makes more sense for the end user
- Removed not needed User Data section in View Data page as we no longer have that data stored/used
- 2.2.8 20/04/2023 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Added a new reconnect to channel button to connections page, ability possible from changes in bot update v2.6.1
- Added View/Hide function to IP Address on View Data page
- Added Mark As Favorite feature to Announcements & Custom Commands & Custom Phrases pages
- Added Quick Access Links section to the side bar navigation containing links to the Module Announcement's Msg Manager, Module Quote's List Manager, And the Variable page used for Announcements & Custom Commands
- Fixed adding of Badwords always just says word exists due to a comparing mistake in the adding code
- Fixed enabling/disabling or updating anything on Integrations page not taking you back to the correct tabs after action performed
- Improved the disconnect from channel time, via improvements in bot update v2.6.1
- Improved Scopes in the Tokens Table & Platform Tokens Table sections on the View Data page to be a proper list
- Improved for website data loading relation to the bot update v2.6.1
- Improved the Create New Reward Action Modal for (Desktop view only) Twitch Reward Actions to have side by side view of reward details and Available Placeholder Variables
- Improved Dashboards Live Chatters List & Live Chat Feed sections to be side by side for only larger screen sizes
- Improved Dashboards Live Chatters List & Live Chat Feed sections to bigger height wise for all screen sizes
- Improved Dashboards Live Chatters List & Live Chat Feed sections to have a 60% reduction on item height minimum sizes
- Improved Dashboards Live Chat Feed to have space between the role of the user and the message
- Improved Dashboards Live Chat Feed to have correct word wrapping so horizontal scrolling is not needed
- Improved Dashboards Live Chatters List & Live Chat Feed sections to only have vertical scroll bars as horizontal scrolling is not needed
- Improved Change log page to have side by side for Released & Future Updates for Both MJRBot Changes and Control Panel Changes
- Improved the wording of the Change log page headers for Released Updates for Both MJRBot Changes and Control Panel Changes
- Changed Variables page over to a new tab system that divides the variable usage/function in to Basic, Advanced, Game Integration with sub tabs
- Updated Years of Service to reflect correct time since Dec 2, 2017
- 2.2.7 28/03/2023 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Changed the chatters list for the 'Live Chatters List (Beta)' (on the dashboard)to be ordered A-Z rather than Z-A
- Removed '(Beta)' tag from 'Live Recent Alerts' & 'Live Recent Events' & 'Live Recent Moderation Actions' & 'Live Recent Used Commands' & 'Live Recent Used Reward Redeems' headers on the dashboard as these are no longer in beta
- 2.2.6 21/03/2023 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Added support for the app id from public websocket connections to the Developers page
- Added a app id for the websites internal websocket connection
- Fixed information for !removepoints & !setpoints default commands not being fully correct in commands list
- Updated information for !setrank, !addpoints, !removepoints, and !setpoints default commands to respect changes in bot update v2.5.9
- 2.2.5 12/03/2023 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Fixed Discord Bot not being removed from Discord Server upon leaving of Discord Server via integrations page
- 2.2.4 12/03/2023 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Added support for optional use of reply system for custom commands which is added in Bot Update v2.5.8
- Few improvements to the code for adding badwords, announcements, ranks, and twitch rewards actions
- Support for the new improvements to the Discord Integration System
- 2.2.3 27/02/2023 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Updated Privacy Policy to better outline features in a better layout to understand, fixed typos, included better information regarding login approval of data access
- 2.2.2 14/02/2023 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Fixed adding of new Twitch Reward Actions not working
- 2.2.1 14/02/2023 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Added Examples in the placeholder text of the Output box for Message, Timed Messages, Command, Timed Command Channel Points Reward Action types
- Improved Message, Timed Messages, Command, Timed Command Channel Points Reward Action types to have correct wording for expected Output Text Area 'Output Message/Command' -> 'Output Message' & 'Output Command' for better user understanding
- Added context to the Command & Timed Command Channel Points Reward Action types that they can now only be used for /me
Twitch chat commands - Added front end support for the 18 new Channel Points Reward Action types, this is due to Twitch is no longer allowing bots to use chat commands after 22th February 2023 (We have automatically updated existing Command Action types to use the new types to help channel owners)
- - Timeout User
- - Ban User
- - Unban User
- - Enable Emote Only Mode
- - Disable Emote Only Mode
- - Enable Follower Only Mode
- - Disable Follower Only Mode
- - Enable Subscriber Only Mode
- - Disable Subscriber Only Mode
- - Timed Timeout User
- - Timed Ban User
- - Timed Unban User
- - Timed Enable Emote Only Mode
- - Timed Disable Emote Only Mode
- - Timed Enable Follower Only Mode
- - Timed Disable Follower Only Mode
- - Timed Enable Subscriber Only Mode
- - Timed Disable Subscriber Only Mode
- Added new shorted versions of variables(which were added in bot update v2.5.6) to a new column for aliases to the Variables List
- Fixed the header of the Variables page showing "Custom Commands Variables" instead of "Custom Commands & Announcements Variables" when these Variables are for Announcements too
- 2.2.0 12/02/2023 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Improved side navigation bar styling to be the whole left side of the page with a background color to mark its presence
- Improved side navigation bar styling to be a cleaner layout without hard border lines
- Changed side navigation bar to be divided in to sections for better user reading/understanding
- Fixed footer section on all pages overlapping the side navigation bar
- Fixed logo/site name section on all pages overlapping the top section
- Improved the top navigation bar to not be to far over causing issues with smaller screens
- Improved the front end code base for easier updates in the future
- Updated Commands page to use a tab control system for the different levels of global commands, this makes for a better layout for users to explore
- Added Light/Dark theme slider back to the footer of pages that are not part of the logged in dashboard section of the website
- Changed Change Log, Commands List, Support pages to match layout of other pages on the site (I.E have a left side bar on desktop views)
- 2.1.9 12/01/2023 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Added new channel_streaming_online & channel_streaming_offline topics details & support for test payloads for public websocket system to the Developers page
- 2.1.8 09/01/2023 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Fixed adding/updating of Announcements & Custom Commands & Custom Phrases allowing line breaks to be kept in outputs
- 2.1.7 29/12/2022 > 07/01/2023 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Fixed debug/testing data showing in Prediction Results Event Log
- Updated copyright on footer to include 2023
- Fixed updating of custom commands breaking due to detection of existing counted as already existing
- 2.1.6 29/12/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Fixed adding of new custom commands allowing same name commands as existing ones
- Fixed updating of command name for custom commands allowing same name commands as existing ones
- Updated StreamLabs integration to have a better enabled detection
- 2.1.5 26/11/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Fixed Discord Role to use for Discord Stream Live Notifications/Alerts combo box not showing @everyone when already set
- Fixed a typo in the Connection Rules section of the Developers page
- 2.1.4 25/11/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Improved the combobox for sending test events on the Connections tab of the developers page
- 2.1.3 07/11/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Fixed User logging in while on Change Log, Commands, Homepage, Privacy, Leaderboard, Status, Support, TOS, Variables pages not being redirecting back after login success
- Added support to Error page, for a better user experience to know when a invalid CSRF(Cross-Site Request Forgery) token has happened
- Improved CSRF(Cross-Site Request Forgery) Protection for all pages when wanting to do a multiple pages at once experience
- 2.1.2 04/11/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Added ability to edit Custom Phrases
- Improvements to backend systems on the website
- 2.1.1 04/11/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Improvements to backend systems on the website
- 2.1.0 31/10/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Fixed issues with all tables throughout the website sometimes being off screen due to long words not wrapping to a new line
- Fixed Custom Phrases accepting phases with a ! at the start, we want everyone to use custom commands system for this type of thing
- 2.0.9 27/10/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Fixed Alerts Manager viewing for smaller screen sizes
- Fixed the smaller screen size viewing for the Developers documentation page
- 2.0.8 27/10/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Fixed some issues with the content on the settings modals for modules page being to close to the title on smaller screen sizes
- Improved table views for smaller screen sizes as some of the headers were overlapping the content
- Fixed issue on smaller screen sizes with pages that have a main header & create button next to each other
- 2.0.7 18/10/2022 > 25/10/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Fixed css error causing the homepage background to be missing
- Fixed Social Media iframes not being centered correctly on homepage
- Fixed a input validation issue when trying to a create a new poll or prediction templates
- Removed Bits Voting options from poll templates as Twitch no longer offers this feature as of September 2022
- 2.0.6 07/10/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Improved the mobile support for the logo & its name for smaller screen size
- 2.0.5 06/10/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Improved Alerts Manager Input boxes and layout
- Fixed Alerts Manager not going back to Special Event Alerts: when toggling alerts & updating alert messages
- Updated Creator Credit Twitch Link for TurkeyDev over on the Channel Points Games page
- Fixed mobile viewing issue with 'Reward Name' overlapping over text on Twitch Channel Points Actions page
- 2.0.4 23/07/2022 > 07/08/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Fixed top nav bar text not being centered
- Fixed adding of new announcements having a bug when using own timer
- Updated Privacy Policy & Terms of Service to fix a few typos & Added a better layout for the privacy policy page
- 2.0.3 23/07/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Changed Integrations page to use new optional custom role selection for go live & notification alerts instead of a @here/@everyone toggle
- Added ability to toggle Display Game Box Art on the Thumbnail on Integrations page for go live & notification alerts
- 2.0.2 25/05/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Fixed a few issues with displaying of multiple projects on the user settings page
- Fixed consenting to a project being broken in certain instances
- Updated a few api calls to use new api calls from MJRBot
- 2.0.1 13/05/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Fixed the Alert for Twitch Resub without current months, displaying incorrectly on the dashboard
- Fixed a typo on the EventLogs page for the Twitch Resub without current months alerts
- Fixed bit of grammar issues on the homepage/header description meta
- v2.0.0 12/05/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Improvements for better client side validation for Announcements, Badwords, Custom Commands, Custom Phrases, User Points, Poll Templates, Ranks Manager, Twitch Reward Actions, Poll Templates, Prediction Templates, Module Manager pages
- Improvements for adding of new Announcements, Badwords, Custom Commands, Custom Phrases, Poll Templates, Ranks Manager, Twitch Reward Actions, Poll Templates, Prediction Templates page
- Improvements to all inputs and page designs for Announcements, Badwords, Custom Commands, Custom Phrases, User Points, Poll Templates, Ranks Manager, Twitch Reward Actions, Poll Templates, Prediction Templates, Module Manager pages
- Added a bunch of rounded corners to things through out the whole site
- Improved Dark mode theme
- Changed Dark mode to be the default
- Improved the UI on Announcements, Badwords, Custom Commands, Custom Phrases, User Points, Poll Templates, Ranks Manager, Twitch Reward Actions, Poll Templates, Prediction Templates, Module Manager pages
- Added current dashboard version to footer
- Moved theme section to user nav bar instead of footer
- Removed Disclaimer about Terms of Service & Privacy Policy and added to all pages via footer
- Changed nav bar for user site to point to new admin dashboard
- Fixed updating of goal data on chat based donation goals page
- Fixed DefaultRank being updated when saving chat moderation settings
- Updated message for loginDenied on error page to be more clear on the error
- Fixed Chat Moderation showing as uninstalled when disabling all but Capitals Limit check
- Bunch of dropdown menus fixes
- Improved Connection Settings page to have a more colourful and bigger Join/Leave button for better UI experience
- Improved styling for All Model overlays throughout the site
- Updated Developers page to use a tab control system and added a connections section to see active external connections for your channel (With management options for debugging/testing)
- Fixed a bunch of issues with page headers and any H1 tags
- Updated all pages to have matching Delete buttons with red styling and trashcan icon
- Added a bunch of hover texts to all navbar items
- Improved warnings of all pages about modules not being enabled, and only show when needed
- Moved warning about custom only rewards to creation model on channel points action page
- Few tweaks for all pages to table data displaying when large amount of text comes in to play
- Removed not needed link to developers docs on twitch games page
- Added a sample Notifications for v2 control panel
- Removed not needed reference to module manager on connection settings page
- Fixed a few issues redirecting back to page once logged in
- Updated a bunch of save/update buttons to be green coloured
- Updated new inputs to use a better background colour for dark mode theme
- Redesigned Homepage to be better looking and have a more appealing design
- Changed Homepage, Change log, Command List, Support pages to be full width and Dashboard navbar is now hidden and replaced with a Visit Dashboard button near user dropdown menu
- Updated description meta on header file to up to date with new overview info for MJRBot
- Added years of service to the homepage stats
- 25/02/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Fixed Gifted Sub alerts showing incorrectly on Event Log page
- 17/02/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Added Google recaptcha v3 system for use in the suggestions form, to help fight bots submitting spam entries
- 16/02/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Added a tab control system for Discord Integration on the Integrations page for better user viewing experience
- Updated StreamLabs & Discord logos on the Integrations page for better layout
- Added a tab control system for Change log page for better user viewing experience
- Automatically show Quick help overlay on first time login only, anyone can access anytime via the green ? at the top right of any page
- Fixed leave channel overlay form not showing sometimes due to a certain use case
- Removed underlining of text when hovering over side navigation bar or top navigation bar
- Added Discord invite server for support/help/updates to the footer of every page
- 05/02/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Fixed chat moderation module showing as disabled fully when only disabling certain options
- 17/12/2021 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Fixed channel custom commands for any channel, if not logged in to a account of any sorts
- Fixed main navagition bar not being shown on certain mobile use cases
- 21/11/2021 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Added a help overlay to all pages next to the user dropdown for helping with first time users
- 14/10/2021 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Improved the error handing of the twitch log system so the user can report any issues with more details and allow the user to understand better that an error has happened
- 12/10/2021 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Improved layout and design of panel, through moving all Event Logs to one page
- Improved design of the dashboard nav bar, through aligning text to the left with spacing between icon and text
- Added a on site suggestions form to make, making suggestions faster and easier for anyone
- Fixed dashboard page not redirecting you back to homepage correctly when not logged in
- Added a custom error page for 404 page not found errors
- Fixed dashboard page not redirecting you back to homepage correctly when not logged in
- Fixed Header colour on some overlay models being unreadable in dark mode
- Fixed change log page being all bold due to invalid bold tag placements
- Added some more spacing between each days worth of change logs for Control Panel Change log section
- Changed User Points, Ranks tables to be full width with all equal columns
- Fixed Announcements Message Manager, Announcements table to be better width per columns
- Fixed User Ranks showing incorrect Rank names
- Increased lines within all tables on the site to be thicker, 1px > 3px
- Fixed Modules Manager page on certain screen size going off the screen view
- Bunch of fixes for top navigation bar on certain screen sizes
- 16/09/2021 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Improved layout and design of Reward Action List Twitch Channel Points Reward Actions page
- 08/09/2021 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Improved Docs on the Developers page to make it more user friendly and understandable
- 05/09/2021 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Fixed discord bot logo on Integrations page
- 04/09/2021 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Improved View Data to not be so intense on server
- 03/09/2021 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Added a request for feedback upon asking mjrbot to leave channel
- Fixed Output Channel for Now Hosting Event not being updated when using the 'Update All Events to Channel' selector, on Integrations page
- Fixed Output Channel for Poll Results Event not being updated when using the 'Update All Events to Channel' selector, on Integrations page
- Fixed Output Channel for Poll Results Event not being updated when changing via its selector, on Integrations page
- Added Output Channel for Prediction Results Event selector and Prediction Results Event message options to Integrations page
- Added Prediction Templates/Event Log page
- Added Twitch Poll Template Data to View Data page
- Added Twitch Prediction Template Data to View Data page
- Improved Commands, Games, Moderation Actions, Points, User Event Log pages to have a pagination system to limit results to help with loading time of pages
- 02/09/2021 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Improved how the Poll Results Event Log data is displayed on the Poll Templates/Event Log page
- Few small fixes towards live data on the Dashboard page
- Removed warning about updating backend database for events on Dashboard page, because this has now been completed
- Fixed an issue when loading Alert Manager/Event Log page causing it to fail
- 16/08/2021 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Changes to Alert, Command, Games, Moderation, Points, Poll, Twitch Channel Points Rewards, User Events pages to support new event/moderation actions logging system changes
- Changed the dashboard to be fully live data. Resulting in cutting down on the page loading time by 1000%, with the added bonus of actually having live data without refreshing
- Changed to View Data page to support new Event Logging system changes and moderation actions logging system changes
- Added an option to Integrations page to allow changing of Stream Online/Offline/Title & Game changes alerts to use @here or @everyone
- Made Poll Templates List be mobile friendly, with the same design as other data lists have such as Custom Commands List
- 13/08/2021 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Improved the overall look of the Discord Integrations settings on the Integrations page
- Added a index/sections part to the Discord Integrations settings on the Integrations page to help with user friendly of the page
- Fixed StreamLabs logo not being readable in Integrations page when using dark mode
- Added a bunch of icons to buttons throughout the website again
- Fixed login buttons on smaller mobile screens
- Improved Commands List pages global commands layout to be a column per permission level instead of mixed
- Added missing !poll [pollTemplateName] command to the commands list page
- Moved Moderator Quote commands on Commands list page from General commands to the their own section
- Changed the layout of data on the mobile version for Custom commands, Ranks, Quotes, Announcements, Custom Phrases, Badwords, Twitch Reward Actions, Poll Templates lists to allow less whitespace between each set of data
- Fixed background colour of the Custom commands, Ranks, Quotes, Announcements, Custom Phrases, Badwords, Twitch Reward Actions, Poll Templates lists for the dark mode mobile version, due to it being hard to read and not compatible to the rest of the dark mode
- 12/08/2021 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Added missing variables for chat based donation goals to variables page
- 07/08/2021 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Tweaked sections text for developers page to make them more understandable
- 05/08/2021 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Added a bunch of icons to buttons throughout the website
- Moved logged out main navigation bar to match logged in version (at the top)
- Improved the location of the main navigation bar at the top
- Improved the location of the login option buttons at the top
- Added a space in between icons and names on the user dashboard navigation bar
- Enlarged the login buttons on mobile to help with clicking them on smaller screens
- Fixed modules page not being the whole content width
- Tweaks to some colours and transparent values for dark and light mode to make things more user friendly
- 13/07/2021 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Fixed typo on home page for Privacy being spelt incorrectly
- 09/07/2021 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Fixed adding a new poll template breaking when not all options are used
- Added missing scopes to twitch login link
- 05/07/2021 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Tweaks the background theme
- 02/07/2021 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Added %commandinputargnotag(NUMBER)% variable to the Variables list page
- 01/07/2021 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Added Poll Templates Page, with Creating Templates, List of Templates, Delete Templates, Event Log for Poll Results
- Added customapi(URL) variable to the Variables list page
- Added Poll Event to Discord section on the Integration page
- Added Event Sub Table Data to View Data page
- Added Live Chatters List, Live Chat Feeds to dashboard page (Currently in beta for everyone)
- Moved Connection Settings to its own page
- 10/06/2021 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Added Supported System information to Variables page, since Announcements supports all variables except Command only ones
- Changes Variables on Announcements page to link to Variables page
- Fixed variables page being blank when not logged in
- 27/05/2021 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Fixed a loading issue with Alerts Manager/Event Log page
- 18/05/2021 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Fixed an issue with Channel Points Games & Alerts Manager/Event Log pages when logging in to MJRBot site for the first time or without ever connecting MJRBot to your channel
- Fixed a bunch of typos on Custom Commands Variables page
- 17/05/2021 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Added support for new Custom Command Variables
- Added StreamLabs Spin Wheel options for Twitch Channel Points Actions
- Added support for regenerating public ws token on developers page
- Updated Streamlabs script with new scope for spin wheel
- Added Now Hosting event for twitch in discord integration
- Added Streamlabs new scope to url on integration page
- Fixed a whole bunch of errors when adding/creating in a bunch of errors of the control panel, Sorry for this! :P
- 01/05/2021 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Fixed error with Discord Integration for updating of Discord Event Log Messages
- 11/04/2021 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Updated Twitch Rewards Actions page to have better client side valuation for input boxes when adding a new Reward Action
- 09/04/2021 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Fixed a few typos within the discord integration section of the Integrations page
- Fixed a few typos on the Modules & Alerts & Dashboard & Privacy Policy & Ranks View/Manage pages
- Improved a few headers on Custom Commands & Custom Phrases & StreamLabs Chat Based Donation Goals pages
- 08/04/2021 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Added ignoring users editing for discord posted event outputs to the Integrations page discord integration section
- 25/03/2021 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Fixed Modules Descriptions not making any sense
- Changed formatting setting of some headers on the Integrations page
- 12/03/2021 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Added a proper Web server checking system during login system to let the user know if the logging in is not available
- More Tweaks for dark theme (Still in WIP right now)
- 11/03/2021 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Added success messages for installing and uninstalling modules on the modules page
- Added warnings to modules page when enabling a module that requires others to be enabled too
- Added a WIP dark theme, which can toggled at the bottom of any page
- Changed a lot of note/disclaimers messages to better alert boxes for better viewing the highlighting
- 09/03/2021 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Fixed error on alerts page to fix disabling follow alerts due to missing CSRF token
- 05/03/2021 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Improved/Updated TOS/Privacy Policy & added a pop up alert for them
- 19/02/2021 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Added %random_user% variable for custom commands page
- Added StreamLabs Integrations to Integrations page
- Added a Chat Based Donation System for use with StreamLabs integration
- Added %currentDonationGoal%, %currentDonationGoalAmount%, %currentDonationGoalTotal% variables for Announcements page
- Added Twitch Chat, Twitch Raid Events to the Public Websocket Developer docs
- Added details of validation for nonce property to only contain A-Z letters & 0-9 numbers with no spaces to the Public Websocket Developer docs
- Added details of Connected Clients have 60 seconds to request topics via listen request or risk getting subjected to disconnecting policy to the Public Websocket Developer docs
- Added channel_username to the main object of all the examples, for event response payloads to the Public Websocket Developer docs
- 10/02/2021 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Fixed the custom commands page which was missing a field name on the mobile version for the command list
- Added Number of Logged Events to the homepage
- 04/02/2021 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Improved Chat Moderation Settings to explain more about the system and easier to understand
- Added Capitals Spam Checker Settings to Chat Moderation Module Settings
- Added Custom Commands Variable of %commandinputNoTags% to Custom Commands Variables page (it remove any @ which is caused by tagging a user in chat)
- Added new Response Error types to the Developers page for External WebSocket System
- Added new requests to add/remove MJRBot points details and examples to the Developers page for External WebSocket System
- Changed custom command response alias in commands list page by changing the alias to !cmdrs from !cmdr
- 31/01/2021 - 02/02/2021 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Multiple back-end tweaks for login systems
- Added ability to Customize Hangman Games colours via the Channel Games page
- Fixed a few forbidden errors for pages which do not require login
- Fixed a few forbidden errors during the login system
- Fixed a few forbidden errors that happened for certain pages without being affected by logged in or logged out state
- Fixed Game Instructions being incorrect for hangman resulting in them not being clear!
- Added minimum input values for some number input boxes through on the panel
- Improved wording of Points Module Settings options for clear information on what they do
- Fixed Leaderboards page being broken for Channel Specific Points Leaderboards
- Improved button hover look on all panels buttons
- 22/01/2021 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Added ability to Custom Commands page to support new ability to use them on discord
- Added integration elements for the new Discord Custom Commands support to the Integrations page
- Added a status page with all the MJRBot Service current status
- 04/01/2021 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Added Global cooldown information to command list for default bot commands
- 01/01/2021 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Added new variables for Twitch Reward Actions System (%display_name_lowercase% & %username_lowercase% & %userinput_lowercase% & %random_user_lowercase%)
- Added new !clip command to command list
- 23/10/2020 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Added support for different channel ids for discord events
- Added support for creating Announcements with their own timer for when they get sent
- Added support for auto shoutout with Raid with a minimum limit of viewers (Disabled by Default) in Alert Manager with its settings
- Converted to control panel api calls to use the new backend web service in MJRBot
- Fixed editing custom commands window not selecting previous Permission Level
- Added ability to edit Announcements Messages via Announcements Message Manager
- 17/10/2020 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Added support for cooldowns to custom commands page
- Added new UPDATE_REWARD_STATUS request from Client to Server developer page
- Updated Send message back to chat request from Client to Server example to include token
- Updated Twitch Channel Points Reward Actions add new reward action to use a reward dropdown rather than reward id
- Updated Twitch Channel Points Reward Actions, Reward List to include Reward Names rather than Reward IDs
- Added support for making Templates for Auto Redemption status updating on Twitch Channel Points Reward Actions page
- Updated Twitch Channel Points Reward Actions, Reward List to include Auto Redemption status of that action
- Updated Twitch Channel Points Games to include the new setup template system to allow for Auto Redemption status of game actions & saves having to enter reward ids
- Fixed Footer on mobile having overlapping buttons
- Added better mobile support for Twitch Channel Points Reward Actions, Reward List
- Added User First Joined & Moderator Joined Discord Events to Integrations page
- Added Raid Events to Alert Manager/Event Log page
- Added Recent Used Reward Redeems to Dashboard
- Added the ability to edit existing users points on the Users Points page
- Updated "View Users Points" to "View/Manage Users Points" on Modules page
- Updated View Data page to include Custom Commands Count Data & Cooldown amounts
- Updated View Data page to include Twitch Reward Actions Delay & Default input number
- Updated View Data page to include Stream Notify Log Channel ID & Last Stream Notify Message ID info for Discord
- Updated View Data page to include Place Game Data
- 14/10/2020 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Added Fortnite Variables & its usage to Variables page
- Added new Channel Points Reward Action System variables changes to the Twitch Channel Points Reward Actions/Event Log page
- 17/09/2020 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Added docs for new channel_subscribe, channel_resubscribe, channel_sub_community_gifting, channel_sub_gifting events for the External Websocket System to the Developers page
- Updated docs on Developers page for the change of channel_id property in follow and bits External Websocket System events to be within the 'followed' & 'bits_given' json objects instead
- Improved Sections part of the Developers page
- 15/09/2020 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Added the ability to edit existing Custom Commands from Custom Commands page
- 14/09/2020 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Added Alert option for Moderator User Join Alerts to 'Alerts Manager & Event Log' page
- Made 'External WebSocket (Beta) Documentation/Developer Guide' page public
- 12/07/2020 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- When visiting a page that requires a logged in status, it will now redirect you to an error page, after logging in from that error page it will redirect you back to that page
- Added External Channel Points Games & Developers pages to navigation bars (Currently in private beta so will only show for them people)
- Updated mobile navigation bars to match desktop navigation bars
- Added new event messages to Discord Integration Page
- 25/06/2020 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Twitch Reward Actions default input value to Twitch Channel Points Reward Actions/Event Log page
- Added discord output message for User Events Join and Leave message, to integration page for editing
- Twitch: Added discord output message for Channel reward redeem event, message to integration page for editing
- Added Alert option for First Time User Join Alerts to Alerts Manager & Event Log page
- Fixed Alerts Manager & Event Log page not having a save settings button for alert messages for twitch
- Added Optional parameter of delaySeconds for !giveaway command to commands list page
- 24/06/2020 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Removed Call of Duty Variables from Custom Commands Variables page due to this integration no longer works!
- Added Control Panel change log to change log page
- 23/06/2020 (DD/MM/YYYY)Fixed Integration page issue where an MJRBot config option would get turned off by using Channel Selection dropdowns!
Control Panel Future Updates:
Note: Change logs in this section will not be final in till released!
MJRBot Released Updates:
v2.7.6 - 10/01/2025 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Trovo: Fixed checking of internal threads to improve downtime detection internally
- Twitch: Fixed certain use cases causing the EventSub queue to stop, causing feature loss on the twitch chat messages/notifications level
- Backend System: Improved internal api system to support new front end changes
- Backend System: Improved Error handling in a small amount of areas for Twitch
- Backend System: Fixed a blank scope string showing in certain api calls for list of scopes, which showed in the front end website
v2.7.5 - 31/07/2024 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- All Platforms: Added Stream Online Alerts & Stream Offline Alerts (enabled by default)
- All Platforms: Fixed Queue System endpoint having the incorrect logic for one of the safely checks
- Discord: Added support for Moderation Actions as a new Event Log type
- Discord: Updated Stream Go Live, Game Changed, Title Changed alerts to include alert description as part of the normal message so the ping notification has more context
- Trovo: Fixed an issue where checking for moderator status(for onMessageEvent) failed as no roles where found for the user
- Twitch/Discord: Delete discord message created from a user sending a message over on Twitch Chat, when its deleted from Twitch Chat
- Twitch/Discord: Added support for deleting message on Twitch, when a message on the output channel for chat messages on Discord gets removed
- Twitch/Discord: Improved system for deleting Discord Message when deleting a message on Twitch
- Trovo/Discord: Added support for sending messages and using custom commands with a Trovo Bot instance
- Trovo/Discord: Added support for deleting message on Trovo, when a messaged on chat message log on Discord gets removed
- Backend System: Improved internal api system to support new front end changes
v2.7.4 - 11/07/2024 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- All Platforms: Queue System: Added support for caching data, allowing data restore upon bot restarting
- All Platforms: Queue System: Added support needed for web front end panel
- All Platforms: Queue System: Added Queue as a new module to allow disabling of commands/system
- Backend System: Fixed a bunch of issues in the internal api for cooldown and giveaway endpoints not working due to invalid new user detection
- Backend System: Improved internal api system to support new front end changes
v2.7.3 - 05/07/2024 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- All Platforms: Ranks: Fixed an issue when trying to buy a new rank when currently at rank none
- Backend System: Fixed a bunch of issues with some internal api endpoints when channel in the request is not known and a new user
- Backend System: Improved internal api system to support new front end changes
- Backend System: Bunch of improvements/fixes to backend system tools
v2.7.2 Bug Fix 2 (v2.7.2.2) - 27/06/2024 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- All Platforms: Variables: Fixed an issue with overall advanced variables & bunch of nested sub variables not working correctly in certain use cases
v2.7.2 Bug Fix 1 (v2.7.2.1) - 25/06/2024 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- All Platforms: Fixed Chat Message ID data not working correctly for Trovo Chat, Twitch IRC Chat, Twitch EventSub Chat
v2.7.2 - 25/06/2024 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Twitch: Fixed an issue with deleting EventSub (when needed), that had an issue when it was already deleted from Twitch
- Twitch: Fixed an error when replying to a message causing it to be sent as a non platform reply sometimes
- Twitch: Chat Moderation: Added support to use Twitch Platform Warning System for Chat moderation alerts to the user instead of default chat messages (By default it will be using chat messages)
- Twitch: Chat Moderation: Fixed a few issues when trying to delete messages from chat
- Trovo: Added Tiered Subscribing, Gift Sub, Multi Sub Gifting events support for Alerts and Event Logging & Public Websocket events
- Trovo: Added support for more internal tools
- Discord/Trovo: Fixed support for stream go live alerts
- All Platforms: Changed Tiered Sub Event to be genetic and not Twitch specific by adding to CommonPlatformEventHandler without platform dependent code
- All Platforms: Changed Tiered Sub Gifting Event to be genetic and not Twitch specific by adding to CommonPlatformEventHandler without platform dependent code
- All Platforms: Changed Tiered Gift Sub Event to be genetic and not Twitch specific by adding to CommonPlatformEventHandler without platform dependent code
- All Platforms: Changed Sub, Gift, Sub Gifting config values to be not Twitch only and added migration
- All Platforms: Custom Commands: Added a optional option to enable/disable the sending of a updated count message upon using count variable in a custom command (Off by default)
- All Platforms: Variables: Fixed some issues with donation goal based variables not working correctly, and added default message when a goal is not currently active
- All Platforms: Variables: Fixed an issue where nested variables within others were not working correct, and sometimes weird error messages were happening
- Backend System: Improved backend support for Trovo Platform
- Backend System: Bunch of improvements/fixes to backend system tools
v2.7.1 Bug Fix 2 (v2.7.1.3) - 23/06/2024 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Twitch: Fixed an issue with updating the bot moderator status incorrectly when using EventSub for Chat messages
- Twitch/Discord: Fixed Profile Picture Image not working for bottom image causing embed not to send for the Stream Go Live Alerts
- Twitch/Discord: Fixed Offline image after live has ended being wrong image type when Stream Preview is enabled for bottom image on the embed, on the Stream Go Live Alerts
v2.7.1 Bug Fix 1 (v2.7.1.1) - 04/06/2024 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- All Platforms/Trovo: Commands: Fixed two issues with !followtime command, one being invalid checking of platform support forcing wrong message to be sent, and fixed Trovo Followtime being off due to timezones
v2.7.1 - 04/06/2024 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Trovo: Added logic to obtain moderator status of the bot upon joining the chat
- Trovo: Improved Trovo Support for OAuth System
- Trovo: Improved Trovo Support for StreamLabs Platform Integration Support
- Trovo: Improved Reconnecting of Chat Sockets logic
- Trovo: Added support for default command !accountlife for Trovo
- Trovo: Added support for default command !followtime for Trovo
- Discord/Trovo: Allowed Raid Events using Discord Integration to be possible for Trovo platform
- Twitch: Chat Moderation: Removed checking of Twitch platform when checking for VIP and Subscriber bypasses, allowing support for other platforms
- All Platforms: Updated onMessageCommon to include updating of the bots moderator status upon message from bot
- Backend System: Improved backend support for Trovo Platform
- Backend System: Bunch of improvements/fixes to backend system tools
v2.7.0 Bug Fix 3 (v2.7.0.3) - 04/06/2024 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Trovo: Fixed custom commands with reply system selected
v2.7.0 Bug Fix 2 (v2.7.0.2) - 04/06/2024 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Trovo: Few fixes for usernames being not lowercase in certain use cases
v2.7.0 Bug Fix 1 (v2.7.0.1) - 04/06/2024 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Trovo/Rest: Added Trovo support for BotStatusService endpoints
- Trovo/Rest: Added missing Trovo platform support in a number of areas
v2.7.0 - 03/06/2024 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Trovo: Added support for Trovo Live Streaming Platform (, this support is currently in BETA so a small amount of features might not be available!
- All Platforms: Added !marker DESCRIPTION' default command to add stream markers at Moderator+ permission level (Currently only Twitch!)
- All Platforms: Added a optional option to add a Stream Marker upon someone Raiding channel (Disabled by default/Currently only Twitch!)
- All Platforms: Changed internal MJRBot Points & Ranks Systems to use platform ids mainly for access where possible
- Discord: Fixed a few issues with supporting Custom Commands on Discord
- Twitch: Added support for using EventSub for chat/chat notifications instead of IRC
- Twitch: Added dynamic switching between EventSub chat/chat notifications and IRC when the requirements have been met
- PublicWS: Added user_id requirement to payload data for 'ADD_MJRBOT_POINTS' && 'REMOVE_MJRBOT_POINTS' event topic types
- Backend System: Improved backend support for website frontend use
- Backend System: Added backend support for Trovo Platform
- Backend System: Bunch of improvements/fixes to backend system tools
v2.6.9 - 12/05/2024 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- All Platforms: Added a custom queue system, this will allow users to join a queue so they can be picked one by one for the set purpose
- Added Queue logic
- Added '!queue join' command - Join the Queue (User)
- Added '!queue leave' command - Leave the Queue (User)
- Added '!queue status' command - Get status on position & queue size (User)
- Added '!queue help' command - Get user help for Queue System (User)
- Added '!queue set' command - Set Queue Title (Moderator+)
- Added '!queue start' command - Start Queue (Moderator+)
- Added '!queue end' or !queue stop command - Stop Queue (Will clear all users from queue) (Moderator+)
- Added '!queue draw' or !queue draw [amount] command - Draw the next user from the queue! (Moderator+)
- Added '!queue close' command - Close Queue, will stop anymore users from joining (Moderator+)
- Added '!queue open' command - Open Queue, will allow users to join again after closing the queue (Moderator+)
- Added '!queue clear' command - Clear Queue of users (Moderator+)
- Added '!queue help' command - Get user & mod help for Queue System (Moderator+)
- All Platforms: Fixed an issue with Variables not being case Insensitive correctly
- All Platforms: Added %inputs% & %inputsNT% variables as a shorter replacement for "%commandinput%" / "%arguments%" & "%commandinputNoTags%" / "%argumentsNT%"
- All Platforms: Added %input(NUMBER)% & %inputNT(NUMBER)% variables as a shorter replacement for "%commandinputarg(NUMBER)%" / "%argument(NUMBER)%" & "%commandinputargNoTags(NUMBER)%" / "%argumentNT(NUMBER)%"
- All Platforms: Added %action(settitle|%arguments%)% variable with types of runcmd, say, reply, sayannouncement for custom commands only
- Twitch/Discord: Fixed an issue with posting stream live alerts when game is empty on Twitch.
- Twitch: Improved the handling code when creating Channel Points Rewards for third party games, Hangman & T/Place by TurkeyDev
- Twitch: Added better internal logging for Twitch Api call rate limits
- Twitch: Updated Message sending system to use Twitchs new send message api
- Twitch: Added last streamed category info to the raid alert message as an optional %category% variable (Current messages using the old default will be updated automatically!)
- Twitch: Added base support for Channel Points Redemptions via Event Sub(Not in use yet we still using PubSub System)
- PublicWS: Added sender id for user to the channel_chat payload data
- Backend System: Bunch of improvements/fixes to backend system tools
v2.6.8 - 21/01/2024 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- StreamLabs: Fixed an issue with the Chat based donation system when donating in a different currency to default selected by the streamer
- Backend System: Bunch of improvements/fixes to backend system tools
v2.6.7 Bug Fix 1 (v2.6.7.1) - 15/01/2024 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- All Platforms: Giveaways: Fixed delay thread not being ended correct on reset of giveaway, causing issues on the front end
v2.6.7 - 15/01/2024 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- All Platforms: Added kofistreambot to known bots list, so they gets excluded from chat moderation too
- All Platforms: Events: Fixed a few issues with certain event logging entries not using the correct platform type
- All Platforms: Events: Fixed a few issues with how date/time was being stored for event logging entries causing auto deletion of certain types failing
- All Platforms: Events: Bunch more work on making the internal event system work with other Streaming platforms
- All Platforms: Chat Moderation/Twitch: Add ability to enable Exclude VIPS or/and Subscribers from Link Checker System
- All Platforms: Chat Moderation/Twitch: Add ability to enable Exclude VIPS or/and Subscribers from Badword, Emote Spam Checker, Symbol Spam Checker, Capitals Spam Checker Systems
- All Platforms: Commands: Added a output error message for when creating clip fails to be created due to api issues for !clip default command
- All Platforms: Commands: Added a output error message for when updating title fails to be updated due to api issues for !settitle default command
- All Platforms: Commands/CustomCommands: Added back ability to have output messages for missing permission on default commands and missing command for both default/custom commands
- All Platforms: Commands/CustomCommands: Fixed a possible issue where permission level for custom commands could be different char cases depending on how the user typed using commands
- All Platforms: CustomCommands: Clear any active running cooldowns for users (if exist), but the command has no current cooldown
- All Platforms: CustomCommands: Fixed a use case where cooldowns could be bypassed
- All Platforms: Config: Added the ability to reset config values
- All Platforms: Improved the Giveaway system
- Changed '!giveaway SECONDS' command to be '!giveaway start SECONDS'
- Added '!giveaway draw' for manually triggering a draw at anytime
- Added '!giveaway help' for posting a chat message about how to use the giveaway system commands
- Added '!giveaway cancel' for manually triggering a cancel of the giveaway at anytime
- Added support for keyword mode instead of using !enter command, currently this is unable to be triggered via giveaway commands, we will use in the future for a web ui
- Improved the Giveaway code with making it easier to be reused elsewhere in a different system
- Improved the starting output messages for Giveaway start
- Made Giveaway thread have less logic inside making it simpler in just being a count down thread in till draw is triggered
- Removed global timer amount for Giveaways, now if you dont supply a amount of seconds when starting the giveaway it will go forever in till draw or cancel commands are called
- Added starting time logic to the system
- Added logic to temp collect users id, username info for giveaway enteries to the system
- Discord: Config: Added the ability to reset discord config values
- Twitch: Added support for ad begin event, which will trigger a message in chat letting everyone know a ad break is about to begin (Off by default, will need to be enable via website)
- PublicWS: Added correct user id to payload instead of using -1 for Raid Event, Sub Gifting, Gift Sub and Re-Subscribe Events
- Backend System: Bunch of improvements/fixes to backend system tools
v2.6.6 Bug Fix 2 (v2.6.6.2) - 23/12/2023 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- All Platforms: Custom Commands: Fixed output message for custom commands when invalid permissions is true
v2.6.6 Bug Fix 1 (v2.6.6.1) - 23/12/2023 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- All Platforms: Custom Commands: Fixed an issue where custom commands message was being posted instead of invalid permissions when command module setting "MsgWhenCommandCantBeUsed" was enabled
- All Platforms: Chat Moderation: Fixed Link Checker detecting false positives when checking for domain extensions
- All Platforms: Chat Moderation: Added detection for www. or http: or https: in the message for Link Checker
- All Platforms: Chat Moderation: Added extra domain extensions to known list for Link checker
- All Platforms: Chat Moderation: Improved Link Checker regex search pattern
v2.6.6 - 17/10/2023 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- All Platforms: Added a Platform Stream Category Cache System, which will store Category Names & ID, which will be used for additional features
- All Platforms: Fixed !enter showing successful message even tho giveaway has not been started via !giveaway (!enter will show no feedback message upon running while giveaway is not currently active)
- All Platforms: Fixed !addbadword default command allowing adding of a word which is already in the badwords list
- All Platforms: Games: Fixed Dice Game Multiplier being calculated incorrectly causing above 50 to be 0% win chance & below 50 being half the win percentage
- All Platforms: Games: Added a !dice help default command for Dice Game to show information about how to play
- All Platforms: Games: Added !dice calc MULTIPLIER default command for dice game to show Win Percentage information before taking the chance
- All Platforms: Games: Improved the output messages of the Bank Heist game, mainly by adding a prefix of "Bank Heist | " before all the messages to add better context to what the bot is posting about
- All Platforms: Games: Fixed Bank Heist Game allowing users to change bet during betting time without refunding original bet amount, causing points to be lost!
- All Platforms: Games: Tweaked formatting of the winning message for the Dice Game
- All Platforms: Games: Tweaked formatting of the winning message for the Spin Slot Machine Game
- All Platforms: Games: Increased the delay between messages for the Spin Slot Machine Game by 3x
- All Platforms: Games: Tweaked wording of the losing message for the Dice Game
- Twitch: Added Channel Points Reward Switcher system, which will switch selected Channel Point Rewards based on active platform category
- Twitch: Improved the efficiency of the Hangman & T/Place Games (By TurkeyDev) reward creation
- Twitch: Improved Error handling throughout all systems for when making Twitch API Requests, this will help with more efficient internal debugging when needed
- Twitch: Improved the disconnection time of PubSub Connections upon bot being disconnected from channel
- Twitch: Improved the ability to internally test channel point related features in Dev environment
- Backend System: Changed some rest endpoints paths used by the Project System & Internal use
- Backend System: Bunch of improvements/fixes to backend system tools
v2.6.5 - 14/09/2023 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- All Platforms: Added new default command of '!settitle MESSAGE' currently only supports Twitch
- Twitch: Added %userinputNT% & %userinputNT_lowercase% as possible placeholder variables for Channel Points Reward Actions system, to allow for a user input with the option to remove '@' from the input if exists
- Twitch: Updated all placeholder variables for Channel Points Reward Actions system to be fully case insensitive
- Twitch: Fixed an error happening in the backend when timing out a user via the bot systems/features
- Twitch: Fixed an error happening in the backend when a Twitch user's username is changed
- PublicWS: Added try catch statements on onWebsocketPing & onWebsocketPong for better error handling/tracking
- Backend System: Fixed possible issues with time formatting not being thread safe in certain use cases
- Backend System: Bunch of improvements/fixes to backend system tools
v2.6.4 - 02/08/2023 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- All Platforms: Fixed Chat Moderation Spam Checker for whole word capitals falsely acting on messages only containing emotes
- All Platforms: Fixed Chat Moderation Spam Checker for whole word capitals falsely acting on messages only containing 1 letter
- All Platforms: Fixed Chat Moderation Spam Checker for whole word capitals falsely acting on messages with no A-Z characters
- All Platforms: Changed All General Basic Variables over to be case insensitive
- All Platforms: Fixed a possible very rare error when using default commands, when certain backend use cases that are met during the checking of user command cooldowns
- All Platforms/Discord: Changed over Stream Go Live Alerts and offline handling to not be platform dependent
- Twitch: Added support to Announcements to have the option to use Twitch's Announcement chat feature(Disabled by default)
- Twitch: Switched getting Follow user data over to new Twitch Systems, !followtime command will now require Moderator Status in the channel to get the needed data
- Twitch: Switched getting Follow Alerts over to new Twitch Systems, this feature will now require Moderator Status in the channel to get the needed data
- StreamLabs: Switched All API calls to use their new v2 system
- PublicWS: Added the ability for other streaming platforms to work with the system other than Twitch
- Backend System: Bunch of improvements/fixes to backend system tools
- Backend System: Bunch of improvements/fixes to backend system, mainly focusing on making the feature code less platform dependent
v2.6.3 Bug Fix 1 (v2.6.3.1) - 01/07/2023 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Twitch: Fixed an issue where creating a template reward for Channel Points Games would fail due to error when setting reward ids
v2.6.3 - 07/05/2023 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- All Platforms: Added alias of `!customcommandslist` to `!customcommands` default command
- All Platforms: Added alias of `!commandslist` to `!commands` default command
- All Platforms: Added `!announcements` default command which will provide a website link, Aliases include `!timers` & `!announcementslist`
- All Platforms: Added `!announcementstate` default command which will provide a way to enable/disable via chat using ids provided by `!announcements` default command, Aliases include `!timerstate`
- All Platforms: Added Event Log ability for `!announcementstate` default command with Discord Support & Database Saving
- All Platforms: Added missing adjusted output message for default command `!commandcount`
- All Platforms: Added a output message for when using `!commandcount` default command on a command name which does not exist
- All Platforms: Changed `!phraselist` default command to now be `!phrases`, but with an alias of `!phraselist` for backwards compatibility
- All Platforms: Changed `!phrases` default command to be User & above instead of Moderator & above
- All Platforms: Changed `!phrases` default command to be a website link to a page displaying all custom phrases instead of string style message
- All Platforms: Fixed a bunch of default commands adding a new event to event log for action when requested item does not exist
- - !removecommand
- - !commandstate
- - !commandresponse
- - !commandpermission
- - !commandcount
- - !removephrase
- - !phraseresponse
- All Platforms: Fixed a bunch of default commands adding a new event to event log for action when adding item already exists
- - !addcommand
- - !addphrase
- All Platforms: Fixed `!followtime` default command not including `@` in the tagged username when outputting the follow time string
- All Platforms: Fixed `!placebet` default command not including `@` in the tagged username when sending a message informing the user they have already placed a bet
- All Platforms: Fixed `!heist` default command not including `@` in the tagged username when giving an output of winnings message from the game
- All Platforms: Fixed `!commandstate` default command not correctly validating state to be either true or false
- All Platforms: Fixed `!maths` default command, miss single quoting of `!answer` default command output message when starting a Maths Game
- All Platforms: Fixed Alt Points Name used as a command not working due to not updating args again once reassigned to !points
- All Platforms: Fixed Alt Points Name used as a command not working when spaces are included in the Name, it will now remove any spaces for command purposes but leave for output message purposes
- All Platforms: Fixed lack of using points name config setting when outputting `points` as the name of currency for `!answer` default command
- All Platforms: Tweaks to `!answer` default command outputs for the Math Game
- - Existing: "@SENDER you have got the wrong answer try again!" -> New: "@sender you have answered incorrectly, please try again!"
- - Existing: "@SENDER Well done, You have got the right answer! You have gained AMOUNT points!" -> New: "@SENDER well done, you have got the right answer! You have gained AMOUNT"
- All Platforms: Tweaks to `!dice` default command outputs for the Dice Game System
- - Existing: "@SENDER Well Done, you have made a profit of AMOUNT POINTSNAME! Your current POINTSNAME is: AMOUNT" -> New: "@SENDER Well Done, you have made a profit of AMOUNT POINTSNAME! Your current POINTSNAME balance is: AMOUNT"
- - Existing: "@SENDER lost the wager! Your current POINTSNAME is: AMOUNT" -> New: "@SENDER lost the wager! Your current POINTSNAME remaining is: AMOUNT"
- All Platforms: Tweaks the output message for incorrect Multiplier value for `!dice` default command
- - Existing: "@SENDER Multiplier must be between 1.01 & 100!" -> New: "@SENDER Invalid Multiplier! Must be between 1.01 & 100!"
- Backend System: Fixed a very small memory leak with Adding a new Phrase via a default command
- Backend System: Tweaks/Fixes to Twitch Username changing internal action system
- Backend System: Bunch of improvements/fixes to backend system tools
- Backend System: Bunch of improvements/fixes to backend system
v2.6.2 Bug Fix 1 (v2.6.2.1) - 23/04/2023 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Twitch/Discord: Added a method to override discord caching to speed up updating of Embed Bottom image for things like Stream Preview image which change often
v2.6.2 - 23/04/2023 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Twitch/Discord: Increased the Game Art Image size for the bottom embed image
- Twitch/Discord: Changed over go live alerts to use a single message for ping and embed message
- Twitch/Discord: Fixed a issue of multiple posting of embed, if the first embed ever gets deleted
- Twitch/Discord: Added a option to have the offline image when stream has ended on the go live embed when stream previews is selected as the main image
- StreamLabs: Improvements to the Websocket handling
- StreamLabs: Improvements to certain use case detections when revoke access from StreamLabs has happened
v2.6.1 - 20/04/2023 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- All Platforms: Fixed a possible issue with checking for invalid variable format in All Game Integrations types due to a string case issue
- All Platforms: Fixed a possible issue with Fortnite game integrations not working for stat 'matchesPlayed' due to a string case issue
- All Platforms: Very Small performance improvement to LinkChecker, Racing Game, and Channel Connected List Update systems
- All Platforms: Fixed inconsistency in command name format between the chat command interactions of custom commands and the website control over custom commands
- Twitch: Fixed unhandled error when getting real viewer count for Variable %viewercount%, that is caused by trying to obtain Viewer Count when Stream is currently not found or offline
- Twitch/Discord: Fixed a possible null pointer which got reintroduced, for when discord go live notification fails to post due to Missing Permissions, etc
- Twitch/Discord: Fixed unhandled error when getting real viewer count for Go Live Stream Alert Message, that is caused by trying to obtain Viewer Count when twitch is a little out of sync between systems and the Stream is currently not found or offline
- Backend System: Improvements to the Bot disconnecting from channels via request sent via website
- Backend System: Added ability for automatically reconnecting Bot to channel via request sent via website
- Backend System: Fixed a bunch of possible memory leaks with SQL calls
- Backend System: Bunch of improvements/fixes to backend system tools
- Backend System: Bunch of improvements/fixes to backend system
v2.6.0 - 27/03/2023 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- PublicWS: Changed the chatters array list that contains users display names for channel_chatters topic to be A-Z sorted
- Backend System: Bunch of improvements/fixes to backend system
v2.5.9 - 21/03/2023 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- All Platforms: Added the ability to optionally tag a user in !setrank, !removerank, !rankcheck default commands
- All Platforms: Fixed some typo issues with the messages outputting as a result of !rankcheck, !rank, !setrank default commands
- All Platforms: Added the ability to optionally tag a user in !permit default command
- All Platforms: Changed syntax of !addpoints, !removepoints, !setpoints default commands
- - Existing: !addpoints AMOUNT USER -> New: !addpoints USER AMOUNT
- - Existing: !removepoints AMOUNT USER -> New: !removepoints USER AMOUNT
- - Existing: !setpoints AMOUNT USER -> New: !setpoints USER AMOUNT
- All Platforms: Changed syntax of !setrank default command
- - Existing: !setrank RANK USER -> New: !setrank USER RANK
- PublicWS: Added optional app_id property in listen json request as a way to have a display identifier for end users
v2.5.8 - 12/03/2023 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- All Platforms: Fixed a rare error saying the incorrect message for '!permit' default command
- All Platforms: Fixed double login needed message being posted when multiple requirements are met, instead of just one message
- Discord: Fixed sending of a new message if stream go live message doesnt exist no longer but same live stream is active
- Discord: Improvements to the Discord Integration System
- Discord/Twitch: Attempt to clear last stream notify msg id when new live stream triggered to help error handling of message not being posted which will then allow ability to be sent again
- Twitch: Fixed a possible null pointer error with Stream Down happening faster than Stream Live Data is collected
- Twitch: Added support for custom commands to use the reply message system to respond (Disabled by default for existing custom commands)
- Twitch: Fixed a null pointer error with the '!followtime' default command when they are either not following or its the streamer running it
- Backend System: Bunch of improvements/fixes to backend system
v2.5.7 Bug Fix 3 (v2.5.7.3) - 03/03/2023 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Discord/Twitch: Fixed an issue with updating discord go live message with tags when the stream ends and the message gets updated
v2.5.7 Bug Fix 2 (v2.5.7.2) - 03/03/2023 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Discord/Twitch: Fixed an issue with updating discord go live message with tags if they are updated during a active live stream
v2.5.7 Bug Fix 1 (v2.5.7.1) - 03/03/2023 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Discord/Twitch: Discord/Twitch: Fixed an issue with Steam Online Event causing a null pointer when tags obtaining comes back with no tags, which is causing sending of go live messages to discord to fail
- PublicWS/Twitch: Fixed an issue with Steam Online Event causing a null pointer when tags obtaining comes back with no tags, which is causing sending of topic payload to fail
v2.5.7 - 27/02/2023 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- All Platforms: Improved Variables PUBG game integration api handling and erroring to help users understand better whats going wrong
- Discord/Twitch: Fixed a possible rare issue where Twitch API not knowing a Stream is live in time causing complete failing of posting go live discord message
- Discord/Twitch: Fixed a possible null pointer when discord go live notification fails to post due to Missing Permissions in discord channel, etc
- Twitch: Fixed not correctly checking for sending a mod status needed message, for instance of Chat Moderation is enabled but bot isnt a moderator
- Twitch: Fixed not correctly tracking when the Bot account gets moderator or un-moderator permissions
- Twitch: Updated Channel Tokens System, to send login needed message to the channels chat for any channel missing the "channel:read:vips" scope (This will bring all channels up to speed with latest token permissions needed for full bot features)
- Twitch: Removed use of the Get Streams Tag API (That is due for removal) from Twitch &7 instead we will use the tags returned in the Get Streams API Data for our bot features using this data
- PublicWS: Fixed some rare crashes in Public Websocket System automated systems causing few mins downtime on rare times
- Backend System: Bunch of improvements/fixes to backend system
v2.5.6 Bug Fix 2 (v2.5.6.2) - 16/02/2023 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Twitch/Discord: Fixed a possible error with tracking stream online triggered events correctly, causing Discord Go Live Alerts to stop working
- All Platforms: Fixed a possible issue of incoming messages no longer being processed due to running of game integration variables failing
- Backend System: Bunch of improvements/fixes to backend system
v2.5.6 Bug Fix 1 (v2.5.6.1) - 14/02/2023 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Twitch: Few fixes for the new Twitch Action Types
v2.5.6 - 14/02/2023 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- All Platforms: Added alt shorter versions of certain variables (Mainly for some of the longer ones)
- - Existing: %commandinput% -> New Alt: %arguments%
- - Existing: %commandinputNoTags% -> New Alt: %argumentsNT%
- - Existing: %commandinputarg(NUMBER)% -> New Alt:%argument(NUMBER)%
- - Existing: %commandinputargNoTags(NUMBER)% -> New Alt:%argumentNT(NUMBER)%
- Twitch: Improved the optional User First Time Joined event to use the message tags first-msg instead of an internal system, which will make the event only trigger upon first message from the user, this is so we can provide a less forceful mentioning of users lurking in streams
- Twitch: Fixed an instance where Auto Points system was running same time as updating of chatters data causing a skip in adding of points
- Twitch: Removed support for using chat commands in certain use cases, as a legacy option for Timing out users out for Chat Moderator system
- Twitch: Added a possible message in chat every 30 mins, when Chat Moderation is enabled but the bot doesn't have Moderator status in the channel
- Twitch: Updated Chatters obtaining system to not use an old Twitch Chatters API, this will mean User Join/Leave event data will be less reliable as before when MJRBot doesn't have Moderator status in the channel
- Twitch: Improved !uptime & !accountlife & !followtime default commands not to include 0 years & 0 days when not needed
- Twitch: Added 18 new Channel Points Reward Action types, this is due to Twitch is no longer allowing bots to use chat commands after 22th February 2023 (We have automatically updated existing Command Action types to use the new types to help channel owners)
- - Timeout User
- - Ban User
- - Unban User
- - Enable Emote Only Mode
- - Disable Emote Only Mode
- - Enable Follower Only Mode
- - Disable Follower Only Mode
- - Enable Subscriber Only Mode
- - Disable Subscriber Only Mode
- - Timed Timeout User
- - Timed Ban User
- - Timed Unban User
- - Timed Enable Emote Only Mode
- - Timed Disable Emote Only Mode
- - Timed Enable Follower Only Mode
- - Timed Disable Follower Only Mode
- - Timed Enable Subscriber Only Mode
- - Timed Disable Subscriber Only Mode
- Discord/Twitch: Updated default Discord event message for Twitch Gift Subscriptions to use bold for the user receiving the sub as well as the gifter (Channels using the default format have automatically been updated to use new format)
- Discord/Twitch: Updated default Discord event message for Twitch Sub Gifting to use bold for the amount of subs given (Channels using the default format have automatically been updated to use new format)
- Discord/Twitch: Updated default Discord event message for Twitch Channel Point Reward Redeem to use bold for the name of the reward being redeemed (Channels using the default format have automatically been updated to use new format)
- Discord/Twitch: Improved Discord Stream Go Live alerts not to include 0 years & 0 days when not needed
- Twitch/PublicWS: Fixed Channel follow sample test data having the incorrect toUser data
v2.5.5 - 12/01/2023 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Twitch/PublicWS: Added channel_streaming_online & channel_streaming_offline event topics
v2.5.4 Bug Fix 4 (v2.5.4.4) - 27/11/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Twitch: Fixed an issue with Bits not being tracked for Event Logging & Alert Systems
v2.5.4 Bug Fix 3 (v2.5.4.3) - 25/11/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- All Platforms: Fixed an issue with sending Public Websocket Test Events from Control Panel when a websocket hasn't already got had event fired before
v2.5.4 Bug Fix 2 (v2.5.4.2) - 25/11/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- All Platforms: Fixed an issue with sending Public Websocket Test Events from Control Panel, not processing the test json correctly
v2.5.4 Bug Fix 1 (v2.5.4.1) - 03/11/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Twitch: Improvements to the system for updating backend data when twitch username is changed
v2.5.4 - 31/10/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Twitch/Discord: Updated Variable System in Custom Commands for getting Twitch VIP ,Moderator, Subscriber Counts to let the streamer know via a channel message if a login is required at any point for MJRBot to have the correct scopes for the Access Token (Changes ready for Twitch's deprecation of bot features in the future)
- Twitch: Updated remove the use of /vips & /mods chat commands for Moderator & Vips data but instead we now use a combo of Chat Message Tags & API Calls relation to Scopes provided in Access Token to get the data (Changes ready for Twitch's deprecation of bot features in the future)
- Twitch: Updated Chat Moderation to now delete only the affected message if the bot is a Moderator in the channel, if not it will result back to using the timeout for 1 second method (Changes ready for Twitch's deprecation of bot features in the future)
- Twitch: Added ability to have up to 10 outcomes for predictions templates (Currently its not possible on the website to add this amount, this will come in a later Control Panel update)
- Twitch: Temporary remove function from the MJRBot Chat command !accountstatus we want to redesign the default command within MJRBot to of a better standard
- Twitch: Fixed a Chat Moderation erroring use case where it wasn't handling correctly when no Ranks were found for the channel
- Backend System: Bunch of improvements/fixes to backend system
v2.5.3 Bug Fix 4 (v2.5.3.4) - 23/10/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Twitch/Discord: Fixed Re-subscription message not detecting when message is not included, which caused it to show an invalid message
v2.5.3 Bug Fix 3 (v2.5.3.3) - 18/10/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Twitch/Discord: Fixed Re-subscription alerts not firing when streak is not being shown by the user
v2.5.3 - 07/09/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Backend System: Bunch of improvements to backend system
v2.5.2 Bug Fix 2 (v2.5.2.2) - 05/08/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Twitch/Discord: Tweaks to image sizes on Discord Go Live message
v2.5.2 Bug Fix 1 (v2.5.2.1) - 03/08/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- All Platforms: Tweaks to both !commands & !leaderboard command outputs for urls
v2.5.2 - 23/07/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Twitch/Discord: Added option to have Game Box Art on the Thumbnail of all Stream Go Live Embed Discord Messages (Enabled by default)
- Twitch/Discord: Added option to have Custom Roles being pinged in the Stream Go Live Embed Discord Messages (By default uses @here)
- Twitch/Discord: Added option to have Game Box Art or Stream Preview instead of Profile image on the main image of all Stream Go Live Embed Discord Messages (Disabled for all currently, in till website support is added to enable)
v2.5.1 - 29/04/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Twitch: Added a check to !poll & !prediction chat commands to give a better error message when feature is not available for the channel
- Backend System: External WebSocket System: Bunch of code improvements to help when adding new features in future
v2.5.0 Bug Fix 1 - 25/02/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Discord: Fixed Twitch Gift Sub message being incorrect with the gifter & recipient user being wrong way around
v2.5.0 - 07/02/2022 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- All Platforms: Changed Race Game to support unlimited amount of user bets
- All Platforms: Fixed duplicated cars in race outcome positions for Race Game
- All Platforms: Fixed %pointsbalance(USERNAME)% not working
- All Platforms: Fixed chat moderation giving false capitals spam alert when message is only accepted emotes
- All Platforms: Fixed PUBG game integration not working when using a username that has uppercase chars
- Twitch: Added new variable of %followercount%
- Twitch: Added new command of '!accountstatus' which will show the current status for that user within the channel, such as twitch roles
v2.4.9 Bug Fix 4 (v2.4.9.4) - 16/11/2021 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- All Platforms: Disabled all alerts messages by default for new channels
v2.4.9 Bug Fix 3 (v2.4.9.3) - 08/10/2021 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- All Platforms: Fixed a few issues with adding quotes, as well as using !quote to show a random quote
v2.4.9 Bug Fix 2 (v2.4.9.2) - 07/10/2021 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Twitch/Discord: Fixed for Stream Go Live alerts posting more than once on certain rare instances
- Backend System: Twitch: Bunch of Event Sub Improvements to help automate things
v2.4.9 Bug Fix 1 (v2.4.9.1) - 09/09/2021 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Twitch/Discord: Fixed Category Tags comma being in the wrong place
- Twitch/Discord: Fixed replacing of variables/placeholders for a Non Prime, Non Current Steak Resub event message
- Twitch/Discord: Fixed title and game notification messages not checking config setting
- Twitch/Discord: Fixed Title/Game notification messages being posted while stream is not currently/already live
- Twitch/Discord: Fixed Sub Gifting showing wrong user to who got the gift
v2.4.9 - 03/09/2021 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Twitch/Discord: Added Prediction End Event Logging to Discord/DB
- Twitch/Discord: Added Category Tags to Discord Go live Stream Alerts
- Twitch/Discord: Added Stream Length to the Discord Go Live Alert when the Stream ends and the status is updated to Stream Ended
- Twitch: Added Prediction templates allowing creation of templates to be used via !predictions command
- Backend System: Twitch: Fully moved the last Helix Webhooks event of Stream Online/Offline/Changed events over to EventSub
v2.4.8 Bug Fix 3 (v2.4.8.3) - 02/09/2021 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Twitch: Fixed logging poll end events not accounting for each status types of the end payloads.
- Backend System: Fixed an issue with Event Cache being in wrong order upon init cache, causing them to display incorrectly on control panel
v2.4.8 Bug Fix 2 (v2.4.8.2) - 18/08/2021 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- All Platforms: Fixed %commandinputarg(NUMBER)% and %commandinputargNoTags(NUMBER)% variables not working!
v2.4.8 Bug Fix 1 (v2.4.8.1) - 18/08/2021 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- All Platforms: Fixed issue when using commands to add a new custom command via chat
v2.4.8 - 16/08/2021 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- All Platforms: Added customapi variable URL result caching per custom command execute to cut down on the URL calls if the same URL is used more than once
- All Platforms: Added Beta variable of customjsonapi that parses valid json results from a URL based on provided variable json path
- All Platforms: Fixed a typo in the output message for Permit default command
- All Platforms: Fixed adding badword not working from commands
- All Platforms: Added a way to switch Discord Stream Go Live/Updates alerts to use @everyone instead of @here
- Twitch/Discord: Fixed random capital on the 'Total' on All resubscribe alerts for twitch chat and discord
- Discord: Fixed custom commands responses not being limit rated correctly due to wrong send message method used
- Backend System: Moved a bunch of API calls over to the new Helix API from v5 kraken
- Backend System: More improvement of errors handling of Variables
- Backend System: Improved Event Logging system to store actual json data rather than a pre defined string, to allow for better future changes such as the new live dashboard changes
- Backend System: Improved Moderation Actions logging system by using channel ids rather than channel names
- Backend System: Added Database Updater/Migration method to update events & moderation_actions tables to fill in the channel id data needed
- Backend System: Fixed message deleting by moderator action event messages having : at the start
- Backend System: Improved all storage data types to make them less platform dependent to make it easier to add new platforms in the future
- Backend System: Tons more work all over the bots code for making things less platform dependent to make it easier to add new platforms in the future
- Backend System: Added a Event Cache System for use by the control panels dashboard live data
- Backend System: Bunch of code improvements, clean up, removal of not needed code
v2.4.7 Bug Fix 1 (v2.4.7.1) - 02/07/2021 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- All Platforms: Added %commandinputargnotag(NUMBER)% variable for custom commands to allow you to get a certain argument of the command input with no @ tags in the output string
- Backend System: Small fix to Aes 256 refreshing system causing issues with public websocket tokens
v2.4.7 - 01/07/2021 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- All Platforms: Added %customapi(url)% variable which gets exchanged for the url content
- All Platforms: Added a few more error handling for variables such as when args is 0 and commandinputarg variable is used
- Twitch: : Added Poll Templates & Poll End Event Logging to Discord/DB
- Backend System: Cleaned up a lot of the code to use a bit more regex (Still some work to do here)
- Backend System: Twitch: Helix Webhooks/EventSub: Fully moved Follow events over to EventSub system
- Backend System: Added soundalerts to known bots list, so they gets excluded from chat moderation
- Backend System: Improved the Game Integration system for Variables to be better and more efficient
v2.4.6 Bug Fix 3 (v2.4.6.3) - 10/06/2021 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Backend System: Fixed Custom Command count not increasing when variable of %count% in the custom command
- Backend System: Changed Announcements to be able to use all Variables except custom command only ones
- Backend System: Allowed %currentDonationGoal%, %currentDonationGoalAmount%, %currentDonationGoalTotal% variables to be used for Custom Commands as well as Announcements
- Backend System: Fixed a few variables parsing issues with PUBG & Runescape Game integration
v2.4.6 Bug Fix 2 (v2.4.6.2) - 03/06/2021 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Backend System: Discord: Fixed Discord > Twitch Chat not working
- Backend System: Discord: Fixed Custom Commands not working on Discord
v2.4.6 Bug Fix 1 (v2.4.6.1) - 02/03/2021 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- All Platforms: Improved error handling for Minecraft, Runescape, Fortnite, CSGO game integrations
- Backend System: Discord: Fixed a possible error for Discord within Platform Chat Link System
- Backend System: Added streamcaptainbot to known bots list, so they gets excluded from chat moderation
- Backend System: Added beepbot to known bots list, so they gets excluded from chat moderation
v2.4.6 - 31/05/2021 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- All Platforms: Added CSGO game stats integration for custom cmd variables
- All Platforms: Added Minecraft Server stats integration for custom cmd variables
- All Platforms: Added Runescape RS3 profile stats integration for custom cmd variables
- All Platforms: Improved output messages to be more clear for Race/Bank Heist/Maths/Spin Games
- All Platforms: Added more valuation for !race & !placebet, !heist, and !answer commands
- All Platforms: Tweaks to Invalid arguments output messages for all commands to match each others style
- Backend System: Twitch: Created a new log type for Twitch Event Sub (Used for event message logging info, raw rest logging will still be under the rest log type)
- Backend System: PublicWS: Added role property to message json obj of channel_chat topic event payload
- Backend System: Fixed a bunch of typos in game integrations
- Backend System: Added mjrbottest to known bots list, so they gets excluded from chat moderation too
- Backend System: Cleaned up a bunch of giveaway code
- Backend System: Cleaned up the code for Answer, Bank Heist, Maths, PlaceBet, Race commands
- Backend System: Fixed Answer command for Maths Game erroring when enter a non number input
- Backend System: Fixed Bank Heist command accepting you entering 0 & below number
- Backend System: Fixed Race Game place bet command accepting you entering 0 & below number
- Backend System: Added a safely message informing that the Race Game currently only supports 1000 bets
- Backend System: Added integer checking for Race Games place bet command car and points arguments
- Backend System: Fixed a possible error when adding a bet in the Race Game
- Backend System: Fixed Race Game place bet command accepting an invalid car number
- Backend System: Fixed being able to buy in to a Bank Heist mid game
- Backend System: Fixed giving seconds in the giveaway command being minutes not seconds
- Backend System: Fixed Bank Heist and Race Game not checking/taking points from the user correctly
- Backend System: Fixed spin command cutting off points name incorrectly when losing 1 point
v2.4.5 - 17/05/2021 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Twitch: Changed %viewercount% custom command variable to be real viewer count instead of chatters count
- Twitch: Added %chatterscount% custom command variable for chatters count from within chat itself
- Twitch: Added %pointsbalance(USERNAME)% custom command variable for custom output of displaying a users MJRBot points balance
- Twitch: Added Event Logging (including discord event message support) for Now Hosting events, Disabled by default!
- Twitch/StreamLabs: Added trigger StreamLabs Wheel Spin from Twitch Reward actions system (Relinking of your StreamLabs Integration will be needed due to new scope permission needed!)
- PublicWS: Added Regenerate Public Websocket System token ability for the control panel
- Backend System: Rest: Added a RestServerType enum to help with detecting and correct setup for the rest server type & made rest server setup multi threaded
- Backend System: Rest: Renamed Main Bot Rest Server to be Webhook Rest Server since its only really used for twitch webhooks & bot status endpoints
- Backend System: Rest: Added Twitch Event Sub Rest Service to bot status endpoint
- Backend System: Rest: Added app name to rest server console output messages
- Backend System: Rest: Added a way to regenerate external ws socket token to web server rest server for use on control panel developers page
- Backend System: Rest: Added Bot Twitch EventSub Rest Server info to info console command
- Backend System: Discord: Fixed a few error happening when discord not is not started
- Backend System: Twitch: EventSub: Bunch of fixes & improvements for event sub handling
- Backend System: Twitch: Fixed a possible error happening when same reward redemption is attempted to be updated more than once
- Backend System: Twitch: Bunch of fixes and changes to match TwitchFramework changes
- Backend System: Twitch: Fixed Content Length checking for incoming rest webhook messages, to solve non English language text
- Backend System: PublicWS: Added break if errors when running Public WebSocket Connect method, to stop looping
- Backend System: PublicWS: Fixed WebSocketToken refresh method not working
- Backend System: StreamLabs: Changed console output/logging to say StreamLabs Socket.IO not just Socket.IO in the prefixes/file name
- Backend System: StreamLabs: Added discord admin debug messages for when Socket.IO connection/reconnection fails or times out
- Backend System: Added streamjar to known bots list, so they gets excluded from chat moderation too
v2.4.4 - 08/04/2021 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- All Platforms: Fixed a few instances where the default rank was not used and 'none' was used instead
- All Platforms: Added ability to exclude users for Events getting posted to discord integration
- Backend System: PublicWS: Improved output messages for debugging connections
- Backend System: PublicWS: Improved error detection for message and connection handling
- Backend System: PublicWS: Added internal ids for PublicWS Connection Clients for better debug tracking
- Backend System: PublicWS: Added remote ip address to console info command & fixed ip address typo
- Backend System: Twitch: Fixed an issue where Bot instances are not setup correctly if connection fails on client connection, and reconnect thread gets triggered
- Backend System: Twitch: Changes to match Twitch Framework changes
- Backend System: Youtube: Continued work on adding Youtube Support
- Backend System: Fixed a bunch of possible very small sql errors & memory leaks
- Backend System: Changed WatchDogThread to be started for web service applications too
- Backend System: Improved code through removing some unneeded code
- Backend System: Added different log files for each Console Output Type
- Backend System: Added internal ids to external websocket info console command
- Backend System: Added clearing of websockets client list to external websocket reconnect console command
v2.4.3 Bug Fix 1 - 24/02/2021 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- All Platforms: Fixed !addcommand not accepting all permission levels correctly!)
v2.4.3 - 19/02/2021 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- All Platforms: Changed Stream Live Alert & Stream updated title or game discord message to use one message for the ping and embed
- All Platforms: Fixed typo in Symbols & Emote & Capitals default warning messages
- All Platforms: Added %random_user% variable for custom commands
- All Platforms: Fixed the %channel% variable for custom commands not working
- All Platforms: Added a Chat Based Donation System for use with StreamLabs integration system
- All Platforms: Added "nottriz", "gobblebot", "collectroxbot" to the already known bots list, so they gets excluded from chat moderation too
- All Platforms: Added %currentDonationGoal%, %currentDonationGoalAmount%, %currentDonationGoalTotal% variables for Announcements
- PublicWS: Added Twitch Chat, Twitch Raid Events to the Public Websocket System
- PublicWS: Added validation to nonce property to only contain A-Z letters & 0-9 numbers with no spaces
- PublicWS: Added the ability to give the token "testing" & you will receive fake events based on the topics listened for every 30 seconds
- PublicWS: Added Connected Clients have 60 seconds to request topics via listen request or risk getting subjected to disconnecting policy
- PublicWS: Added channel_username to the main object, for event response payloads
- Twitch: Added sorting by client ids for IRC/PubSub clients to the Bot Status service, which will make them show in correct order on the status page (
- Twitch: Twitch: Added support of Action IRC Event (Used for /me
) to be handled by the message system (Twitch Framework new changes made this possible) - Backend System: Changed Updated Discord Message Thread to support multiple platforms
- Backend System: Fixed typo in some output messages for debugging
- Backend System: Attempt to fix sql requests not checking if connection is valid correctly
- Backend System: Fixed a bunch of memory leaks with SQL statement results not being closed
- Backend System: Added a watchdog thread to overlook systems, currently only mysql
- Backend System: Changed PublicWS info console command to show timestamp in a readable date/time format instead of raw timestamp
- Backend System: Added missing thread to the threads console command
- Backend System: Twitch: Fixed error with setting up Twitch IRC Clients when no Twitch connections are made
- Backend System: Twitch: Fixed Stream changed webhook event failing due to non UTF_8 chars in payload causing length check to fail
- Backend System: Twitch: Fixed an error with emotes ids not always being integers
- Backend System: Twitch: Updated to v1.2.9 of Twitch-Framework
- Backend System: Twitch: Changes related to Twitch Framework v1.2.8/1.2.9 changes
- Backend System: Twitch: Started adding support for EventSub system to use in later new features
- Backend System: Youtube: Started more work on adding youtube bot support (Not ready yet!)
- Backend System: StreamLabs: Started adding StreamLabs Auth/Socket.IO/API support for using later in new features
- Backend System: PublicWS: changed sending to client messages to run through a method for debugging and output messages purposes
- Backend System: PublicWS: Added remote socket address to sendMessageToClient method
- Backend System: PublicWS: Fixed a few instances that messages were being sent to websockets with invalid remote address
v2.4.2 - 04/02/2021 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- All Platforms: Fixed changing a Custom Phrases response via commands not working due to a sql statement error
- All Platforms: Changed default Chat Moderation Emote & Symbols spam check warning message to fit in better with others
- All Platforms: Emote spam checker works again and supports all twitch emotes
- All Platforms: Symbol spam checker doesn't count emotes when checking for symbols
- All Platforms: Added Capital spam checker, which also doesn't count emotes when checking for capitals, and it has two parts, one where it checks if all message is caps, and another that checks for max caps next to each other
- All Platforms: Increased default max symbols to 10 from 5
- All Platforms: Fixed double aliases for custom command response and remove by changing custom command change response alias to !cmdrs
- All Platforms: Added custom command variable of %commandinputNoTags% to remove any @ which is caused by tagging a user in chat
- All Platforms: PublicWS: Changed MESSAGE/LISTEN/UNLISTEN/UPDATE_REWARD_STATUS Client > Server Requests to actually support channel_name fully not just channel_id (currently only listen with topic channel_games supported it)
- All Platforms: PublicWS: Added request to add/remove MJRBot points for a user
- All Platforms: PublicWS: Added checking (with a error response) of a valid status_type for the UPDATE_REWARD_STATUS Client > Server Request
- Backend System: Twitch: Fixed WebHookRequestVerifyEvent using wrong payload variable
- Backend System: Changes related to Discord Framework recent changes
- Backend System: Added internal id to bot instances for use in console commands
- Backend System: Updated a bunch of project dependencies & made needed changes
- Backend System: Fixed a sql mistake in badword manager when adding a badword for multiple platforms at once
- Backend System: Removed possible InterruptedException since logging it is not required
- Backend System: Fixed badword system generating badwords on every bot connection even if already exists
- Backend System: Changed the discord Stream Game Updated Event to use only game names in its checking/message creation code to cut down on the amount of possible errors with game id being empty sometimes
v2.4.1 - 21/01/2021 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- All Platforms: Added an output for when the channel isnt live when trying to use the !clip command
- All Platforms: Fixed typo in !rank command when the user does not have a rank currently
- All Platforms: Fixed a few spelling errors with custom command output messages
- All Platforms: Added support to use custom commands on discord
- All Platforms: Added support for detecting moderator role from discord
- All Platforms: Added support to select platform(s) for custom commands to be accessible on
- All Platforms: Fixed Custom Command cooldowns not counting down correctly
- Twitch: Added trim to channel points user input message to stop problems when using them for twitch commands
- Backend System: Fixed Event log posting to discord when the discord channel id is a empty string
- Backend System: Twitch: Fixed an ConcurrentModificationException error with pubsub when disconnecting a twitch bot instance
- Backend System: Added more known bots to the known bot internal list
- Backend System: Moved CustomPhraseReplier class to a new package with new name
- Backend System: Moved CustomCommands class to a new package with new name
- Backend System: Removed not needed try catches in code
- Backend System: Added logo and version info to info console command
- Backend System: Added support for program args, & added -useFileStorage arg
- Backend System: Fixed console refresh not ordering based on date correctly
- Backend System: Improved the permission manager system
- Backend System: Fixed a typo in a method name within MySQL connection class
- Backend System: Added status service api requests for control panel status page
- Backend System: Changed logging properties to allow for relative file path to allow for log file per process
v2.4.0 - Released 01/01/2021 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- All Platforms: Added lowercase versions of %display_name% & %username% & %userinput% & %random_user% for Twitch Channel Points Actions system (%display_name_lowercase% & %username_lowercase% & %userinput_lowercase% & %random_user_lowercase%)
- All Platforms: [PublicWS] Added error response for UPDATE_REWARD_STATUS request when mjrbot doesn't own the reward id
- Twitch: Fixed default variable usage for Raid auto shoutout default message
- Twitch: Added !clip default command to create a twitch clip with delay to capture before the command triggered
- Backend System: Fixed a possible null error within OAuth Manager
- Backend System: Fixed getting of rank with newer versions of mysql due to keywords
- Backend System: Updated to v1.2.8 of Twitch-Framework
- Backend System: [REST] Fixed possible errors with channel id being 0 with Channel Points Service
v2.3.9 - Released 27/11/2020 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- All Platforms: Fixed gift subs event logging to db using the incorrect gifter sub gifting event(Only affects whats displays on control panel event logs)
- All Platforms: Fixed raid auto shoutout requiring raid alerts to be enabled
- All Platforms: Fixed follow time command not working
v2.3.8 - Released 23/11/2020 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- All Platforms: Added support to have different channel ids for discord events
- All Platforms: Added ability to have Announcements with their own timer for when they get sent
- Twitch: Added ability to have a auto shoutout with Raid with a minimum limit of viewers (Disabled by Default)
- Backend System: Fixed a typo in a db column name for discord info
- Backend System: Fixed typo with the word migrate in code
- Backend System: Removed not needed calls to TwitchBot instances for Channel Points Manager
- Backend System: Added ability to have the web based rest server on its own process
- Backend System: Changed startup console cmd example of connect to match recent connect console command changes
- Backend System: Bunch of code formatting fixes
- Backend System: Fixed Data Remover Thread not deleting token entry if its already been invalided by channel owner via twitch
- Backend System: Updated to v1.2.7 of Twitch-Framework
- Backend System: Updated to v1.2.8 of Discord-Framework & made supporting changes
v2.3.7 - Released 17/11/2020 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- All Platforms: Added support for logging User First Join to chat & Moderator Joined events to discord
- Twitch: Added support for Raid events to be logged, output in chat, outputted in discord (With customizables as other alerts have)
- Twitch: Added support for updating Redemption Status with t/Place Game(Must be rewards created through the new Template system & Success if game action was preformed, cancelled if anything fails)
- Twitch: Added support for updating Redemption Status with Hangman Game(Must be rewards created through the new Template system & Success if game action was preformed, cancelled if anything fails)
- Twitch: Added support for updating of Redemption Status in Channel Points Reward Actions(Must be rewards created through the new Template system & Success if user input number check passes, or cancelled if it fails)
- Twitch: Added support for having custom cooldowns on custom commands
- Backend System: Added/Tweaks some comments
- Backend System: Fixed default commands cooldowns not working as intended?
- Backend System: Twitch: Added a debug output for when pubsub cant be started for a channel due to missing scope
- Backend System: PublicWS: check token requirement in request for MESSAGE type requests
- Backend System: Catch and handle error when port number is missing for PublicWS
- Backend System: Twitch: Added support for Game Name in Live stream information instead of making another api call for it
- Backend System: Changed t/Place Game game action to not be sent to game frontend if the entering in to backend db fails
- Backend System: Added a ton of channel point api endpoints for the front end control panel to use, including a endpoint to setup Hangman & t/Place game reward templates with saving to channel config for both games if template is successfully created
- Backend System: Added support for Redemption Status with PublicWS system with a new UPDATE_REWARD_STATUS request from Clients > Server(MJRBot).
- Backend System: Twitch: Moved channel point related classes in to their own package
- Backend System: Fixed a null pointer error with emote checker when messages were checked
- Backend System: Fixed updating of stream live data for channels with the discord live events active
v2.3.6 - Released 15/10/2020 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Twitch: Update discord go live message straight away when a changed or end stream event happens
- Twitch: Fixed %username% being user input instead with Twitch Reward Actions System
- Twitch: Send new message if stream go live message doesn't exist no longer
- Backend System: Changed UpdateDiscordMessageThread to not update the message when the stream is no longer streaming
v2.3.5 - Released 14/10/2020 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Twitch: Removed channel image from Twitch Stream Title/Game Changed Notifications to make them more compact
- Backend System: Fixed a few bugs with new Discord Go Live Msg update feature
v2.3.4 - Released 14/10/2020 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- All Platforms: Added Fortnite Game Integration for LifeTime stats to custom commands
- All Platforms: Improved PUBG Game Integration to support PSN, Xbox platform types
- Twitch: Converted Stream Go Live Discord Message to use a method version of the formed message and saving the message id, for message editing
- Twitch: Added Stream Viewer Count, Uptime and Stream Status to Stream Live Discord Msg (Will be updated for latest information during the stream/after stream has ended!)
- Twitch: Added variables %display_name% and %username% to Channel Points Reward Action System (%sender% still exist for now but matches %display_name% in terms of use)
- Backend System: Moved External Websocket system startup to after bot connections have been made so that channel games reconnecting system works
- Backend System: Edited Disconnect Socket Console Command Description
- Backend System: Added alt colours to channel list output console command for easier viewing
- Backend System: Added a console command to force a disconnect on a twitch irc client connection
- Backend System: Added twitch channels and client connections amounts to channel list console command output
- Backend System: Removed error logging on thread sleep interrupted exceptions
- Backend System: Format tweaks for channel list console command
- Backend System: Changed channel irc disconnect console command to work differently
- Backend System: Added method to get Formatted Date Difference String from Date obj, Changed over Uptime, AccountLife, FollowTime commands to use this
- Backend System: Removed another error logging on thread sleep interrupted exceptions
- Backend System: Changed MissingOrInvalidOAuthTokenThread to do the sleep first to stop spamming of messages in chat when restarting bot
- Backend System: Attempt to fix the disconnect irc console command
- Backend System: Changes to reflect TwitchFramework changes
- Backend System: Updated to v1.2.5 of Twitch-Framework
v2.3.3 - Released 17/09/2020 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Twitch: Added channel_subscribe, channel_resubscribe, channel_sub_community_gifting, channel_sub_gifting events to the External Websocket System
- Twitch: Moved channel_id property in follow and bits External Websocket System events to be within the 'followed' & 'bits_given' json objects
- Backend System: Small fix in OAuth Manager for invaliding tokens
- Backend System: Moved Channel Points Redeem code to a onChannelPointsEvent in TwitchBot class
- Backend System: Bunch of code clean up for Twitch Events in Twitch Bot class
v2.3.2 - Released 14/09/2020 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Backend System: Few on Moderator joined chat message fixes
- Backend System: Added more bots to the known bots list
- Backend System: Another small fix for bot connections thread counts
- Backend System: Fixed invalid syntax messages being wrong on recent changed console command usages
- Backend System: PublicWS: Added a try catch to allow MJRBot bot starting to continue if PublicWS fails to start
- Backend System: Added Simple Thread output & Rest Server Host/Port to info console command output
- Backend System: Added admin outputs for invalid Rest Server Payloads
- Backend System: Added a thread for sending messages to channel chats when the streamer is required to relogin to the control panel to maintain the ability for MJRBot to function correctly
- Backend System: Added fully automated way from remove certain data for non connected channels
- Backend System: Updated to v1.2.4 of Twitch-Framework
v2.3.1 - Released 14/09/2020 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- All: Added ability to have a message posted to chat when the moderator joins the chat
- Backend System: Twitch: Fixed double events being corrected when a Twitch IRC client reconnection happens
- Backend System: Twitch: Fixed getting of channel moderators
- Backend System: Twitch: Updated to v1.2.3 of Twitch-Framework
- Backend System: Fixed MJRBot taking cpu time for a dummy thread
- Backend System: Tweaks to pubsub info console command
- Backend System: Added a console command to regenerate a websocket system token for a channel name
- Backend System: Added a websocket reconnect console command
- Backend System: Improved the output of the websocket info console command
- Backend System: Added more information to the info console command for easy checking of MJRBot current status
- Backend System: Fixed onMessage event using wrong override method for Twitch IRC connections
- Backend System: Tweaked a few console commands command names for better usage
- Backend System: Fixed getting thread count for bot connections
v2.3.0 - Released 12/07/2020 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Twitch: Added support for changing discord event message for Gifting Sub to community events
- Twitch: Added support for changing discord event message for Gift Sub Events
- Mixer: Added support for Gift Sub Events
- Backend System: Twitch: Updated PubSub Thread for Twitch Framework changes
- Backend System: Twitch: Fixed invalid return value for getChannelIDFromName method
- Backend System: Twitch: Updated to v1.2.2 of Twitch-Framework
- Backend System: Twitch: Fixed Twitch resubscribe showing as subscribe for discord event output
- Backend System: Disabled PubSub reconnect console command for now as got to rework it
- Backend System: Fixed typo in pubg game integration error messages output
- Backend System: Added better support for different child events of the main events with Discord Event output system
v2.2.9 - Released 01/07/2020 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Backend System: Twitch: Fixed a small issue in Active Viewers Thread
- Backend System: Twitch: Updated to v1.2.1 of Twitch-Framework
- Backend System: Twitch: Moved pubsub twitch bot creation to its own thread also added it after the irc clients have been setup
- Backend System: Twitch: Better way of only creating a pubsub for a channel if one doesnt already exist
- Backend System: Mixer: Fixed issue with first time join not working for mixer channels due to a ClassCastException error
- Backend System: Fixed giveaway output message showing wrong delay
- Backend System: Added missing threads from manual mode connection type
- Backend System: Changed toggle output console command to use a live enum list
- Backend System: Fixed thread console command when all thread are not present
- Backend System: Few MJRBot connection tweaks/connect console command
- Backend System: Fixed discord event outputs being incorrectly outputted for Twitch Bits, Hosts & normal subs
- Backend System: Added a proper test connection type for manual channels
- Backend System: Fixed a few console command typos
v2.2.8 - Released 25/06/2020 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Backend System: Twitch: Corrected missing ) on Discord Event TwitchC H Points Rewards Message
- Backend System: Twitch: Fixed getting viewers thread getting confused
- Backend System: Mixer: Fixed check for username channel erroring when bot doesnt fully setup/connect
- Backend System: Fixed giveaway command not working as intended
- Backend System: Fix for getting bot instance active thread count
- Backend System: Fixed user_data sql table creation
v2.2.7 - Released 25/06/2020 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- All: Added ability to giveaway command, to be able to give an optional delay in seconds rather than using the default defined value
- All: Added ability to have a msg sent in chat, on user first time joining (Off by default)
- All: Added ability to have custom discord outputs for User Events Join and Leave
- Twitch: Added ability to have custom discord outputs for Channel reward redeem event
- Twitch: Added ability in Twitch Reward Actions to have a default input value if num check fails
- Twitch: Only use default Twitch Rewards action value if not 0, and fire false input if thats the case
- Backend System: Twitch: Fixed IRC reconnect causing double threads to be setup
- Backend System: Twitch: Fixed pubsub connection not being disconnected/killed when a bot instance is disconnected
- Backend System: Twitch: Fixed not triggering a leave event in certain instances for when a user leaves the channels chat
- Backend System: Twitch: Updated to v1.1.9 of Twitch-Framework
- Backend System: Twitch: Fixed onStreamUpdatedEvent causing an error when game id is null/blank
- Backend System: Mixer: Fixed check for username channel erroring when bot doesnt fully setup/connect
- Backend System: Mixer: Fixed failed auth event never getting called if its not getting called first time
- Backend System: Mixer: Added a better failed to connect bot connections system with keep safe trying ability
- Backend System: Mixer: Updated to v1.2.2 of Mixer-Framework
- Backend System: Mixer: Added a delay for sending global messages via console commands
- Backend System: Fix for threads for a bot instance not being killed correctly when disconnecting of the bot connection
- Backend System: Fixed a error when trying to get channel name in certain instances
- Backend System: Small fix for the rank system manager when a user typed a message in chat
- Backend System: Fixed certain chat console output messages containing a random dash
- Backend System: Changed Thread console command to detail main threads & optional full param option
- Backend System: Moved thread classes to sub packages
- Backend System: Allow all main MJRBot threads to be killed, added restart main threads to threads console command
- Backend System: Tweaked Channel List console command, and added active thread count to list
- Backend System: Moved spin command off main bot command thread and to its own thread
- Backend System: Small for for discord info when a channel is sharing info between twitch & mixer
- Backend System: Fixed issues when getting rank price, causing you to obtain free ranks
- Backend System: Fixed error when checking for rank bypasses with chat moderation causing it not to work
- Backend System: Added prefixes for where errors come from to Twitch & Mixer framework error reporting
v2.2.6 - Released 02/06/2020 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Backend System: Removed debug lines
- Backend System: Fixed a possible null pointer with Discord Integration for Stream Live Notifications
- Backend System: Added Current Streaming Details to channel list console command
- Backend System: Fixed Mixer bots not detecting if channel is already streaming on bot connection setup
- Backend System: Fixed Chat Moderation not taking in ranks in to account when checking if permission is met
- Backend System: Cleaned up a lot of the chat moderation manager code
- Backend System: Bypass Chat Moderation for Known Bots, Also added a few other known bots to the list
- Backend System: Fixed Chat Moderation not detecting all users below moderator role
v2.2.5 - Released 28/05/2020 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- All: Added support for stream Game & Title change discord alerts, with ability to enable/disable discord stream update alerts
- Twitch: Fixed issue with Twitch Reward Manager actions causing actions not to work sometimes
- Backend System: Fixed a few errors with logging certain events to discord
- Backend System: Twitch: Updated to v1.1.8 of Twitch-Framework
v2.2.4 - Released 26/05/2020 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Twitch: Added %random_user% variable for Twitch Reward Actions system
- Backend System: Few fixes for Twitch/Mixer username change system not fully working
- Backend System: Mixer: Fixed a few possible null point errors in events when disconnecting a bot from mixer
- Backend System: Fixed tokens username not being forced to lowercase
- Backend System: Added extra try catchs to a few ChatBotManager method to stop causing errors in called place
- Backend System: Updated to v1.2.0 of Mixer-Framework
v2.2.3 - Released 25/05/2020 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- All: Added a way to change which default rank gets assigned to new users
- All: Added a Channel Setting to disable allowing reply of multiple phrases per message
- Twitch: Added support for multiple actions per channel points reward
- Twitch: Added support for Timed Message & Timed Command action types for channel points reward
- All: Added support for changing discord event messages, for the following events:
- Adding Points
- Removing Points
- Setting Points
- Winning/Losing Games
- Following
- Twitch: Added support for changing discord event messages, for the following events:
- Subscribing with Twitch Prime
- Subscribing with Tiered Level
- Twitch Prime Resubscribing (With current months)
- Twitch Prime Resubscribing (Without current months)
- Tiered Resubscribing (With current months)
- Tiered Resubscribing (Without current months)
- Twitch Bits
- Mixer: Added support for changing discord event messages, for the following events:
- Subscribing
- Resubscribing
- Unfollowing
- Hosting
- Backend System: Fixed a small issue with getting the wrong channel id for discord support
- Backend System: Mixer: Fixed getting rank price for a rank
- Backend System: Tweaked !rank output message when the user has no current rank
- Backend System: Mixer: Reduced Mixer Auth Failed Threshold down to 1 before fully reconnecting
- Backend System: Mixer: Updated to v1.1.9 of Mixer-Framework, Added support for Mixer Framework Failed Reconnect Event (Fully reconnect after 10 attempts)
- Backend System: Fixed channel list console command sometimes giving an error when client is null
- Backend System: Added a try catch to console command handler to catch any errors without killing console handler thread
- Backend System: Mixer: Attempt to fix trying to connect when intended disconnect is triggered
- Backend System: Twitch: Fixed possible null pointer error on Part Event
- Backend System: Improved look of console channel list command
- Backend System: Updated to v1.1.6 of Discord-Framework
- Backend System: Twitch: Fixed setting up webhooks not working for new channels
- Backend System: Twitch: Fixed possible error with PubSub events when bot isnt found in current connected list
Note: Support to change the discord messages for the other events not listed above will be added very soon!
v2.2.2 - Released 14/05/2020 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Fixed Badword, Emote, Custom Phrase checkers sometimes picking up wrong words due to an regex error
- Backend System: Fixed Quote System erroring when adding and trying to get a random Quote bac
- Backend System: Allow for multiple manual bot connections to be added
- Backend System: Cleaned up detecting of Platform type in code
- Backend System: Added a bunch of comments for youtube
- Backend System: Fixed Events not getting sent to discord
- Backend System: Fixed follow events being missed from discord event logging
- Backend System: Fixed discord channel ids being null checkers
- Backend System: Twitch: Updated to v1.1.7 of Twitch-Framework & Added support for FailedAuthEvent
v2.2.1 - Released 30/04/2020 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Fixed !quote command giving an error when no quotes are found
- Added Discord Stream Live Notifications Integration, See Integration page to enable
- Added ability to decide which bot events you want sent to discord event log channel, See Integration page to change settings
- Backend System: Twitch: Changed onMessage system to use less api calls overall, making it a faster reply time
- Backend System: Twitch: Changed Twitch Bot onMessage to use tags from irc message for getting permission level
- Backend System: Twitch: Fixed getting of emotes for chat moderation system, error when stream not live
- Backend System: Twitch: Fixed null pointer when user has no badges to check
- Backend System: Twitch: Moved Twitch Bot message sending of /mods & /vips to output in Channel Debug logged output
- Backend System: Allow reconnecting of requested disconnects provided we still have a bot instance of the channel
- Backend System: Changed 'channel disconnect' console command not always prevent reconnecting, Disabled no longer needed 'channel reconnect' console command
- Backend System: Added 'channel socketdisconnect' console command to trigger disconnect on certain mixer connection types
- Backend System: Changed 'channel disconnectall' console command not always prevent reconnecting, Disabled no longer needed 'channel reconnectall' console command
- Backend System: Tweaks to Twitch/Mixer event console/discord output messages
- Backend System: Mixer: Updated to v1.1.7 of Mixer-Framework & Added support for FailedAuthEvent
- Backend System: Added ability to connect via console command only one platform type at a time
- Backend System: Changed Announcements to not run straight away on bot startup
v2.2.0 - Released 20/04/2020 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Added aliases for default command see commands list or type !commands in a chat with MJRBot in
- Added %commandinput% and %commandinputarg(NUMBER)% custom command variables
- Added default command of '!commandcount' to set the count data of a custom command
- Backend System: Added console outputs for disconnect/reconnect events
- Backend System: Cleaned up formatting
- Backend System: Moved more code over to Twitch Framework, Small amount of clean up
- Backend System: Moved the rest of Twitch Kraken api requests to Twitch Framework
- Backend System: Fixed Subscriber/Followers checking/count being wrong
- Backend System: Removed Get Subscriber Thread & list due to we actively check if user is subbed actively
- Backend System: Removed Get Follower thread due to we actively check if user is followed actively, unless its a new follow event and we check internal list for spam events
- Backend System: Added /mods /vips command sends to GetActiveChattersThread for Twitch to get up to date moderators and vips list
- Backend System: Fixed a few typos, removed not needed code
- Backend System: Updated to v1.1.5 of Twitch-Framework
v2.1.9 - Released 16/04/2020 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Added custom command variable to display another custom commands count data
v2.1.8 - Released 16/04/2020 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Added ability to have a count feature in custom commands using variable %count%
- Added ability to have custom alert messages for All Twitch % Mixer Events that MJRBot supports
- Backend System: Fixed webhook setup on channel bot creation not doing everything needed to make a new webhook
- Backend System: Fixed webhook refreshing code picking the wrong redirect url
- Backend System: Removed not needed channel config settings
- Backend System: Fixed a few possible issues with webhook code
- Backend System: Small tweak for username checking and how it spams errors on token not being able to be refreshed
- Backend System: Added code and reason to Twitch PubSub disconnect event admin messages
- Backend System: Updated to v1.1.5 of Mixer-Framework
- Backend System: Added two new console commands for reconnect thread management
- Backend System: Fixed cross chat for discord erroring when channel id is null but out chat to discord enabled
- Backend System: Updated table creations for count feature in custom commands
v2.1.7 - Released 21/02/2020 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Added new Announcement system allowing unlimited messages, enable/disable system for each message (Old messages have been transferred to new system for you)
- Backend System: Mixer: Updated to v1.1.4 of Mixer-Framework & made changes to support update
- Backend System: Mixer: Added support for UserUpdateEvent (Currently used to reload moderators)
- Backend System: Mixer: Tweaks to when mixer disconnect events are added to reconnect system
- Backend System: Twitch: Changes for Twitch Framework updates (Moved api calls to use frameworks system)
- Backend System: Twitch: Changed to be using webhook for getting stream online/offline infomation
- Backend System: Twitch: Get streaming state during channel bot setup for twitch channel when joining a channel
- Backend System: Twitch: Check/setup webhooks for twitch channel on bot connect
- Backend System: Twitch: Updated to v1.1.4 of Twitch-Framework & made changes to support update
- Backend System: Bit of code layout/order tweaks
- Backend System: Removed not needed code out of channel list update thread
v2.1.6 - Released 29/01/2020 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Custom Commands: Changed variable %time% to just be time
- Custom Commands: Added variables %timefull% (Includes Time, Date, Timezone) %timezone% %date%
- Backend System: Improved help output for console commands
- Backend System: Moved some classes in to new packages
- Backend System: Check for all required tables on new db connection
- Backend System: Added missing tables/details with table creation
- Backend System: Changed Channel Bot Config to use enums for setting strings rather than hard coded strings
- Backend System: Fixed console manager not removing old discord messages
- Backend System: Fixes for Cross Chat, Cleaned up code
v2.1.5 - Released 27/01/2020 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Changed Announcements Delay & Giveaway Delay & AutoPoints Delay default values from all 0 to 15, 5, 15
- Changed Webhook refresh system to not refresh webhooks that dont have a chat bot present for channel
- Fixed a few null pointers in webhook system when chat bot isnt present for that channel
- Fixed !leaderboards command being able to be used even when points module is disabled
- Fixed !disconnect command not working
- Backend System: Updated to v1.1.2 of Mixer-Framework & made changes to support update
- Backend System: Updated to v1.1.2 of Twitch-Framework & made changes to support update
- Backend System: Fixed error messages not using the code block due to higher than discord message limit
- Backend System: Fixed channel info console commands not displaying mixer channel id
- Backend System: Massive overhauled of Console Msg System
- Backend System: Added more Console System Msg types
- Backend System: Added Mixer Chat & Constellation connections to channel list console command
- Backend System: Changed toggle output console command to read everything from enum
- Backend System: Tweaked method names/Removed doubles of the same method in ChatBotManager
- Backend System: Added java docs to some of the ChatBotManager methods
v2.1.4 - Released 7/01/2020 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Fixed mixer host events showing the wrong username
- Fixes for Twitch/Mixer username change reconnect/update system
- Small fix for Mixer reconnect event firing even when you wanted to fully disconnect not reconnect
- Small fix for pubsub reconnect comment since changes in framework
- Updated to v1.0.9 of Mixer-Framework
- Updated to v1.1.0 of Twitch-Framework
- Tweak to console output message for mixer disconnect event
v2.1.3 - Released 3/01/2020 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Fixed phrases being picked up from the bots messages
- Added ability to have actions for Twitch Custom Rewards/PubSub system (Coming soon to public currently in private beta testing!)
- Added new event type for Twitch Rewards redeem
- Added scopes info to tokens database when control panel login is made
- Updated to v1.0.9 of Twitch-Framework
- Fixed console output for mass sub community message
- Fixed Mixer Bot host events not working
- Changed mixer events to use a correct json parser and not substring
- Added /pubsub info and pubsub reconnect console commands
- Fixed Gifts subs to user or/and community not working or showing wrong event
- Removed forced checking if Mixer websockets is still connected as no longer needed
v2.1.2 - Released 18/12/2019 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Small fix for Custom Phrases that started with a non A-Z or 0-9 char
- Added a !phraselist command to show all phrase triggers
- Added support for using points name as a points alias command to get your points
- Changed !commands to give a channel specific link to show Channel Specific Commands
- Small fix for mixer alert events
v2.1.1 - Released 17/12/2019 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Fixed commands command not working for mixer
- Fixed manual connect console command issue for mixer
- Few fixes for Twitch/Mixer username change code
- Updated to v1.0.8 of Mixer-Framework & Made changes to support update (Fixes Mixer Alerts)
v2.1.0 - Released 30/11/2019 (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Fixed issues with disconnecting twitch/mixer bots from console commands, Fixed mixer not disconnecting correctly
- Fixed issue with follow/mod TwitchWebhooks
- Added webhooks re*request console command
- Added server ip option to config, to remove hard coded data
- Removed not needed discord output admin messages
- Added a method to remove certain things from stacktraces
- Added discord guild and channel ids options to config, to remove hard coded data
- Fixed an error when shutting down the bot
- Fixed a few errors in code
- Added error as an option for the toggle output console command
- Fixed formatting for pom.xml
- Store access codes/refresh tokens as encrypted and decrypt them when need to be used
- Added proper enum for BotConfigManager
- Fixed a ConcurrentModificationException when using removeAll & disconnectAll methods via ChatBotManager
- Added encrypt & encrypttokens console commands
- Moved token endpoints to their own rest service
- Changed some of the substring code to proper json parsing
- Updated to v1.0.7 of Twitch-Framework
- Fixed manual connection being messed up
- Hopefully fixed possible error when trying to type to twitch/mixer from discord
- Define charset for some tables when creating them for the sql connection type
- Fixed a small issue when a twitch channel changes their username
- Updated to v1.0.5 of Twitch-Framework
- Fixed a small issue when a mixer channel changes their username
- Updated to v1.0.7 of Mixer-Framework & Made changes to support update
- Renamed a enum to be more clear of its use
- Clean up reconnect/connect/disconnect methods, Bot shutdown methods
- Added a new channel removeall console command
- Added a better way to tell if we want to connect to a channel
- Fixed default rank data getting generated on each channel connect
- Added output message for any run console commands
- Tweaks to some comments
- Fix for Custom Phrase system picking phrases wrongly
- Fixed a few sql errors
- Fix for emote checker
- Fix for badword checker
- Updated mysql-connector to v8.0.16
- Fixed a few more possible memory leaks
- Changes for Twitch bot events to support next Twitch-Framework update
- Uncomment code that was commented out for testing purposes
- Moved channelName and channelID for twitch back to TwitchBotBase
- Small bug fix with Twitch onSubGiftingEvent
- Fixed spamming of errors/failed reconnecting if first connection setup failed
- Changes to config option for mixer bot connection client id
- Added a console command to perform a manual username change for twitch
- Fixes for the announcements system to fix possible issues
- Updated to v1.0.4 of Twitch-Framework
- Added support for handling mixer framework events
- Added support for Mixer framework info message event
- Mixer: Fixed subscribing and resubscribing events causing a error
- Mixer: Added support for gift sub alerts
- Added a todo comment for later
- Fixed issue with Badword/Emote checking picking up the wrong things
- Mixer: Moved channelName back to framework
- Changes to storing mixer channel data based on ids rather than usernames
- Completed some todo comment tasks
- Added a mixer username checker, auto changing system
- Tweaked twitch username checking & auto changing system
- Fixed !ranks command working even if the ranks module is disabled
- Fix for ranks default setup creating defaults on every bot startup
- Work towards getting Merge Data between Twitch & Mixer system working
- Fixed moderation event logs not being added to database
- Fixed possible memory leaks
- Changed refresh Twitch Webhooks system to do more than once at a time
- Added more validation for set/add/remove points commands
- Fixes for gift sub messages, added tier of sub to the messages for sub/gift sub
- Improved the code for Twitch Get Subs, Followers, FollowTime threads. Fixed !accountlife command not working
- Fixed channel info console command showing wrong data for follower count
- Improved Twitch GetActiveChatters Thread
- Another small improvement for Twitch GetActiveChatters Thread to make sue non active viewers are removed
- Fixed RankSystemManager setup of defaults not working
- Added some TODO comments for later tasks
- Tweak to !spin command delay method
- Cleaned up PUBG data request methods
- Added support for Twitch Moderator Change Events webhooks
- Fixed a issue with refresh Twitch Webhooks system not getting correct webhooks to refresh
- Few message output changes for RestServer/Webhooks System
- Fixes for OAuthManager/Thread system
- Added console command to run token checking
- Tweaks to mysql query and update methods
- Clean up of the ChannelConfigManager code
- Tweak to a mysql statement to output its errors
- Added the ability to have a custom display name for points
- Added ability to use !addpoints & !removepoints command for all viewers
- Added ability to have custom ranks rather than hard coded ones
- Added ranks command to get possible ranks
- Updated to v1.0.3 of Twitch-Framework
- Updated to v1.1.5 of Discord-Framework
- Few fixes for twitch follower notification
- Added a check to stop spamming of follow notifications from the same user
- Few fixes for sending messages for mixer
- Added event logging for mixer hosting alerts
- Fixes for rest server console connect/disconnect commands
- Added a feedback message for storage setting console command
- Fixes for manual mode when using connect console command
- Tweaks to make sure everything works for both database and file storage types
- Fixed an error with Custom Phrase system when using manual mode
- Fixed a formatting issue with an Twitch IRCDisconnectEvent output message
- Added a send message to channel console command
- Tweaks to channel info console command, to include more info
- Tweaks to Rest Server to enable/disabling accepting subscribe/unsubscribe requests, better handling for unsubscribe events
- Added console commands for Rest Server enable/disabling of accepting subscribe/unsubscribe requests
- Few tweaks for twitch webhook service with how its outputting its messages to console/log
- Changed Custom Phrase system sql table name
- Tweaks to follower and subscriber counts/checking
- Fixed refresh twitch webhook url being wrong, idk how....
- Tweaks for twitch GetActiveChattersThread
- Changes in OAuthManager/Fixed mixer access tokens not refreshing
- Added back sent messages showing on the console for twitch
- Tweaks to getBotName for Twitch Bot
- Added support for Twitch-Framework IRCInfoEvent & IRCErrorEvent
- Updated to v1.0.2 of Twitch-Framework, Made changes related to update
- Changed error messages to output in code blocks in discord
- Fixed an error twitch notice event handler
- Changed database outputs to use logger system
- Small start up tweaks
- Added Rest server
- Added twitch follow notifications
- Added rest server baseurl to bot config
- Added rest disconnect, rest connect console commands
- Fixed an error in twitch part, private message,disconnect event handlers
- Tweaked rest disconnect, rest connect console commands descriptions
- Added webhook refresh system/thread
- Changed a console output msg method to be synchronized
- Tweaks to follow alert for mixer
- Fix for getting twitch followers wrongly
- Added console outputs for twitch clear chat and chat mode change
- Twitch: Added event logging of a deleted messages by moderator
- Fixed a few issues with custom commands not working on mixer, and some of the commands for custom commands not working
- Added a custom phrase response system
- Mixer: Fixed commands being enabled not being checked when typing a message
- Moved chat bot creation/init from main class to ChatBotManager class
- Started moving over to using Twitch Framework instead of straight pircbot
- Moved some help methods from MJRBotUtilities to ChatBotManager
- Moved some bot classes around in to sub packages
- Changes in pom.xml
- Tweaks for Twitch bot creation, changes to match Twitch Framework changes
- Allow for Unknown event getting messages that are not bound to a channel
- Added config option to change Twitch Max Channels Per Connection
- Fix for manual connection mode
- Changed some methods in code to private
- Added a missing column to default table creation
- Added ability to enable, disable database debug messages via console
- Mixer: Fixed joined event for a user being fired for every message sent
- Tweaks to OAuthTokenRefreshThread
- Fixes for OAuthManager
- Removed MixerClientID from Config, Fixed typo in a setting name for BotConfigManager
- Fixed channel info console command showing backwards connected lines for mixer
- Added gmsgdown, gmsgonline console commands
- Increased a field size for table for default sql table creation
- Fixed MJRBot messages showing as Bot Owner prefix rather than bot prefix
- Changes to console output system displaying more messages on toggle output console command change
- Changed AnnouncementsThread to have a better message selection system
- Fixes for twitch only thread names
- Small tweak for cross chat link system
- Fixed AutoPoints, Announcements threads stopping if a error has happened
- Replaced an emote in spin machine not being on twitch anymore
- Twitch: Fixed join/part events not being added for Mixer
- Twitch: Changes to make sure get subscribers thread is using api version 5
- Fixed Badword chat moderation not checking for full words rather the phrase within words too
- Twitch: Added missing 'months' word from resub message
- Fixed/Added back migration system
- Added extra fields to tokens table creation
- Started work on adding a refresh thread and an oauth manager system
- Tweaks to retry system for oauth token refreshing
- Clean up/Fix formatting
- Added custom message for when twitch username change check fails with 401 http error
- Few tweaks for oauth handing
- Added extra method for future use in HTTP Connect class
- Tweaked twitch channel ondisconnect admin message
- Fixed reconnect all channels console command
- Updated to use Mixer-Bot-Framework v1.0.5
- Tweaked channel info console channel to show better connected outputs for mixer
- Added a way to check for mixer that are disconnected due to mixer connection issues
- Changed last one of the twitch endpoints over to v5
- Fixes for Twitch Bot resub alert messages
- Changed some errors over to use proper erroring system
- Added a todo comment in code
- Updated to v1.1.4 of Discord-Framework
- Tweaks to refresh output messages function
- Added response message when game apis fail to return information/are down
- Added support/custom message for when a User Gifting x amount of subs to the channel (Twitch)
- Fixes for Cross chat link between Twitch/Mixer/Discord
- Added a !customcommands command
- Few fixes for manual mode connection type
- Changed manual connect to no longer need channel id as parameter from the user, it will auto look it up based on the channel name
- Disconnect discord bot when running exit console command
- Add auto database reconnect if found to be disconnected on query execute
- Added !db info, !db reconnect console commands
- Add platform prefex to event output logging for discord
- Fixed Twitch Getting Viewers thread keep adding event
- Few fixes for mixer for when a user joins the channel
- Some refactoring/clean up of code, few fixes, moved classes around a bit
- Small channel info console command fix
- Added support/detection for when a twitch channel username is changed
- Few TwitchBot onDisconnect event tweaks
- Small amount of clean up
- Improvements to MySQLConnection class
- Bit of general class clean up
- Added feedback messages for gmsgupdate and gmsg console commands
- Fixes for Gift sub alerts, and improvements for resub alerts
- Updated to v1.1.2 of Discord-Framework
- Tweaks to console help command formatting
- Added names to all threads
- Added console commands info and threads
- Moved all classes to a mjrbot sub package
- Fixed/Clean up of formatting
- Changed main class in pom.xml
- Renamed some console commands classes
- Added a channel info console command
- Renamed a twitch bot variable, and added a getter and setter
- Fixed an Unknown column sql error
- Fixed Twitch getChannelIDFromChannelName sql query
- Small tweak to output of channel info console command
- Updated to v1.0.9 of Discord-Framework, Updated code to support its changes
- Fixed typo in gmsgupdate console system command output
- Changes to console output system
- Changes for twitch resub messages to match twitch change
- Fixed disconnect, reconnect console system commands invalid syntax messages
- Fixed reconnectall console system command not working correctly with multiple channels
- Tweaks to get ready to add command support for discord
- Converted all basic get/post http requests over to use utilities methods
- Fixed/Clean up of formatting
- Moved all Twitch & Mixer API urls to there own class
- Started moving over to Twitch Api v5, Removed not needed code
- Fixes for Twitch/Mixer chat cross link since move to Twitch Api v5
- Fixes for getting followers thread, and for getting follow time for followtime command since move to Twitch Api v5
- Added back loading defaults, Changed database column name for mixer channel name
- Fixed the ability to talk between Twitch/Mixer and Discord since move to Twitch Api v5
- Added channel disconnectall, channel reconnectall commands to the console command system
- Tweaked channel reconnect console system commands description
- Fixed a error when typing a invalid command in the console command system
- Fixed missing display details for discord info command in the console command system
- Added toggleoutput command to the console command system
- Added toggledepoutput command to the console command system
- Changed console system commands to a TreeMap so they are sorted A-Z
- Added sync analytics, exit commands to the console command system
- Added the ability to have event log messages sent to a discord channel
- A few fixes for discord integration
- Tweaks to Twitch refresh token system
- Changed config creation system for database to check if setting doesn't exist and to add it with a default value
- Fixed missing config setting in config file > database migration
- Moved Twitch only threads to a sub package
- Small fixes for follower alerts for Mixer
- Added method to check follower list up to date
- Added method to keep subscribers list up to date
- Added the ability to have custom badwords for each channel
- Changed Twitch Bot onDisconnect event messages to an admin event message
- Starting work on adding a console commands system
- Added connect, help, storage, migrate, gmsg, gmsgupdate commands to the console command system
- Added channel disconnect, channel reconnect commands to the console command system
- Added version, channels commands to the console command system
- Added discord disconnect, discord reconnect, discord connect commands to the console command system
- Added discord info command to the console command system
- Updated to use Mixer-Bot-Framework v1.0.4
- Moved all Twitch/Mixer bot code from main class to a sub class
- Fixed/Clean up of formatting
- Cleaned up MySQL connection failed message
- Changed badword check to if list is empty use predefined list
- Added addbadword command for adding new badwords from the chat
- Added following/unfollowing alerts for Mixer only
- Added ability to have follower and above custom commands
- Added method to keep subscribers list up to date, method to keep follower list up to date
- Updated to v1.0.5 of Discord-Framework
- Discord: Tweaks to error handling code
- Added OnDisconnectEvent for Twitch bots
- Work on converting Discord4j to v3
- Migrated most of Discord Bot code to a sub project of Discord-Framework
- Few tweaks to stop log spamming when discord or internet connection is down
- Added a try catch to catch possible errors from CrossChatLink system
- Added PUGB Lifetime stats game integration
- Small fix for outputting certain stats for Call of duty & PUBG
- Tweaks to admin event logging for adding/remove the bot to a twitch/mixer channel
- Added dev prefix for error logging to discord, when the bot is run in development mode
- Fixed a possible null pointer error when disconnecting the bot from channels
- Add support for AccountLife command for mixer
- Fixed user cooldown tick thread not being started on manual mode
- Small backend tweaks for discord bot integration
- Fixes/Tweaks for Getting of Followers, Subscribers for Twitch
- Added error logging to most of the threads
- Added channel and bot type to threads error messages where possible
- Fixed an error with bots connecting to twitch to fast before they are added to the list
- Added %subcount%, %viewercount%, %moderatorcount%, %vipcount% custom command variables
- Added ability to get call of duty stats from ww2
- Remove unneeded checks in chat moderation bad words checker
- Fixed Chat Moderation not working for mixer
- Add support for single message deleting on Mixer for Chat Moderation
- Few fixes for disconnecting mixer channels from the bot
- Fix for AnnouncementsThread erroring when on mixer
- Clean up of Custom Commands Variables code for easier game integration
- Added the ability to disable auto points system when not streaming, Default state is disabled
- Updated to use Mixer-Bot-Framework v1.0.3
- Added ability to talk from discord to twitch/mixer chats
- Added a few logging messages for when features are diabled by using the file based storage type
- Added a few more logging messages for when features are diabled by using the file based storage type, Changes/Tweaks to manual, database bot type, file, database storage type modes
- Changed MySQL connection method is use new maven lib
- Few extra development options
- Added missing tables to the creation of MySQL tables on first start up
- Added the ability to have VIP only custom commands for Twitch
- Tweaks for permissions to support VIP role
- Added Call of Duty game integration (Starting with bo4)
- Added better development testing methods
- Added WIP Chat Link between Twitch & Mixer channels with the same channel name
- Added basic Discord Bot Integration
- Converted project to a maven project
- Removed not needed build.xml file
- Moved Utilities classes in a util package
- Small fix for outputting to the console for mixer, renamed some methods
- Added Alerts for Sub/Resub/Hosting events, with config options & Event logging for Mixer
- Added support for subsciber only commands for Mixer, will be fully working when getting a list of subs from mixer is added
- Overhaul of the error outputting system
- Few more tweaks for MySQL code
- Added the ability to have subscriber only custom commands
- Added the ability to get a list of subscribers from channels
- Changed errors to output to log file aswell as console
- Updated commands list command to the new commands list link
- Added Alerts for Sub/Resub/Gift Sub events, with config options & Event logging
- Added Alerts for receiving bits events, with config options & Event logging
- Added the ability to disable Announcements when not streaming
- MJRBot is now out of beta
- Added the ability to log all console outputs to a log file (for developer use only)
- Disabled logging from dependency packages (console/log outputs)
v1.7.7 - Beta
- Few small fixes for getting viewers thread
- Fixed config defaults not generating in time for new channels
v1.7.6 - Beta
- Fixed update viewers/moderator thread not working
- Made the value column in the config table bigger to allow for larger Announcement messages
v1.7.5 - Beta
- Few fixes for custom commands variables
- Fixed Database disconnecting over time of being idle
v1.7.4 - Beta
- Fixed two threads not sleeping, causing very high cpu usage
- Tweaked getting viewers/moderators via thread console output messages
- Added support for outputting hosting events to the console
- Add messages to console/channel chat for when users hosts your channel
- Added ability to store custom commands on a database
v1.7.3 - Beta
- Added missing analytics entry for adding points
- Added a StopBotCommand for use by MJRLegends only
- Small fix for Updating Analytics Data
- Added leaderboards command for top 10 users with the most points
- Fixed followtime, accountlife, uptime command giving wrong time
v1.7.2 - Beta
- Small fix for Updating Analytics Data
v1.7.1 - Beta
- Added Win/Lost event logging to Dice Game
- Fixed Auto Points System & Announcements from working after being enabled without a bot reconnect
- Added user join event to get viewers thread
- Added missing entry for SelectedTimeZone in the config file > db mirgration
- Changed OnJoin for Twitch so MJRBot gets acts like a normal viewer
- Removed console outputs for setting when add/remove points methods are used
- Added missing check for Mixer onJoin to if user has a default points/rank value set
- Renamed PointsThread class to AutoPointsThread class
- Added Analytics for NumOfCommandsUsed, NumOfMessagedModerated, NumOfPointsGained, NumOfPointsRemoved
- Few small fixes for MJRBot startup code
v1.7.0 - Beta
- Fixed typo in rank setting event text
- Stopped Auto Points System firing multiple event logging entries
- Added extra info to Join/Leave events to say which platform
v1.6.9 - Beta
- Fixed hashtag in channel name in join and leave events for event log
- Added creating a quote event to the event log
- Added Custom Commands events to the event log
- Added permitting a user to post a link to the event log
v1.6.8 - Beta
- Added different events to the event log, including using commands, game winning
v1.6.7 - Beta
- Fixed spacing issue on points set event log
- Few fixes for event logging
v1.6.6 - Beta
- Fixed disconnect command error
- Fixed for Quote database storage adding a unneeded semi colon to the end
- Added ability to store moderation actions carried out by the bot
- Try to find an non disabled Announcement msg 10 times before fully skipping
- Added ability to store point/rank systems events
- Clean up/Refactoring for a few file classes
- Renamed the files package to storage
v1.6.5 - Beta
- Fixed setting up database if doesn't exist
- Fixed create config file if config file doesn't exist for channel
- Added the ability to have Streamer as a valid permission level for custom commands
- Refactoring of the names of some Custom Commands methods
- Some more small clean up for Custom Commands
- Added a command to change custom commands permission level (Command: !commandpermission)
- Changed disconnect command to fully remove the bot from your channel
- Added reconnect command to reconnect the bot to a channel (Command: !reconnect)
- Added support for variables/auto fill args in custom command responses (Auto fill variables added: %time% , %sender% , %botname%)
- Tweaks/Fixes for all command messages
- Tweaks to giveaway system to make it work better with multi channels
- Fixed Auto Points not being disabled when set to 0
- Fixed Announcement not being disabled when set to 0 & when chosen message is empty
v1.6.4 - Beta
- Added migration from file to database for Ranks
- Fixed for gettingPoints for database is user doesn't exist
- Made Link permitting work better for multiple channel use
- Added migration from file to database for Quote
- Added support to have quotes stored on a database
- Fixes for Bank Heist Game
- Fixes for racing game
- Remove amount of loses in spin command message
- Fixes for All Chat Moderation Systems
- Another small fix for race game
v1.6.3 - Beta
- Fixed Bank Heist game not giving out points
- Fixed Slot machine lose counter not working
- Fixed players not being able to place a bet for a race game
v1.6.2 - Beta
- Fixed Race/Maths Games not working
- Fixed Slot machine game showing the wrong Slot 3 result
v1.6.1 - Beta
- Changed ping command to be accessible by Moderators & higher
- Added a ping command to check if the bot is still active/alive
- Cleaned up code for Racing Game
- Changes to Bank Heist & Maths & Race Games so it works better with multiple channels
- Changed maths game to have a random profit amount between 1 and 100
- Made Dice Game harder to win
- Changed Fruit Machine game to be called a Slot Machine Game
v1.6.0 - Beta
- More fixes for command cooldown thread
v1.5.9 - Beta
- Fixed uptime command
- Fixes for command cooldown thread
- Added a few comments & Added TODO comments
- Fixed a few issues with Custom Commands when using for multiple channels
- Refactor a method in the Twitch Bot class
- Made Chat Moderation work with Mixer
- Made the uptime command work for mixer
- Removed not needed code
- Few fixes for disconnecting Mixer Bot Instances
v1.5.8 - Beta
- Fixes for Closing/Starting of Threads
v1.5.7 - Beta
- Fixed error when disconnecting a Twitch bot
- Few small tweaks for Twitch/Mixer bot
- Fixed error when gerRankFails when its disabled for Chat Moderation
- Added time/date to each console output message
v1.5.6 - Beta
- Fixed config settings not getting info from the database correctly
- Few fixes for when rows don't exist in the database
- More work on a migrations system for file system to database
v1.5.5 - Beta
- *Disable load defaults for database
v1.5.4 - Beta
- Fixed migrating not being accessible
v1.5.3 - Beta
- Few fixes for the Mixer side of things
- Work on adding support for database storage (Part 1)
- Work on adding support for database storage (Part 2)
- Few fixes for Config Database storage, Starting work on a migrations
- More work on a migrations system for file system to database
- Small fix for Mixer API
- Update
- Update
- Update
- Changed Client ID entries to a global final variable
- Clean up/Fixed Formatting issues
- Clean up MJRBot class a bit so its more readable
v1.5.2 - Beta
- Fixed Follow time command, Fixed getting of followers
- Added Years/ Months amounts to Account Life & Follow time command
v1.5.1 - Beta
- Fixed uptime command
- Added Account Life command
- Fixed null permission level for AccountLifeCommand
- Added Follow Time command
v1.5.0 - Beta
- Fix more erroring on the UserCooldownTickThread
v1.4.9 - Beta
- Fixed adding/removing points messages
- Clean up of file based systems
- Small amount of efficiency improvement
- Clean up/Fixed Formatting issues
- Moved Bank Heist game functions into its own class
- Added todo command
- Moved Quote Command functions into its own class
- Fixed a line of code that had a warning
- Fixed erroring on the UserCooldownTickThread
v1.4.8 - Beta
- Removed static files causing issues with multiple bots
- Clean up
- Work for Mixer Side of the bot
- Fixed custom commands not working
- Fixed safely check for cooldown thread
- Clean up/Fixed Formatting issues
- Fixed having a bot for both Twitch & Mixer that have the same channel name
v1.4.7 - Beta
- Few small fixes for Auto Giving Points for Twitch Bot viewers
- Added user to the viewers list if they dont exist when they send a message
- Fixes for Getting/Updating Viewers & Moderator for a Twitch Bot
v1.4.6 - Beta
- Fixed giving points for bank heist
- Fixed for Getting/Updating Viewers & Moderator for a Twitch Bot
- Tweaks for User Cooldown Thread
- Clean up/Fixed Formatting issues
v1.4.5 - Beta
- Fixed updating moderator issue
v1.4.4 - Beta
- Few small fixes for Quote Command
v1.4.3 - Beta
- Fixed all messages being outputted to the console
v1.4.2 - Beta
- Fixed Getting Viewers issue
- Renamed a class, Changed some output messages
- Fixed Twitch bot mods list being static, Fixed quote command not fully
- Fixed for Threads on the Twitch Bot side
- Added delay to GetViewersThread, Changed some output messages
- Increased the delay of the Getting Viewers Thread to 2 mins
v1.4.1 - Beta
- Tweaks to Commands Cooldown System
v1.4.0 - Beta
- Tweaks to Points System console output messages
- Fixes for Command Cooldown System
v1.3.9 - Beta
- Few fixes for getting permission levels now that getting of moderators
v1.3.8 - Beta
- Changed Getting Viewers debug message in hopes of finding a rare issue
v1.3.7 - Beta
- Fixed getting of moderators
- Changed Getting Viewers debug message in hopes of finding a rare issue
v1.3.6 - Beta
- Fixed more small output messages issues
v1.3.5 - Beta
- Fixed some small output messages issues
v1.3.4 - Beta
- More fixes
v1.3.3 - Beta
- Fixed bot owner console output
- Added config option to disable/enable Twitch Verbose Messages
v1.3.2 - Beta
- Tweaks to permission level tier values
v1.3.1 - Beta
- More fixes
v1.3.0 - Beta
- Added list of known bots for exemption/console output purposes
v1.2.9 - Beta
- Fixed error with console outputs
v1.2.8 - Beta
- Fixes for MJRBot info console outputs
- Fixed reconnecting for Twitch Bots
- Fixed Disconnect command
- Removed unused code
- Clean up/Fixed Formatting
- Added Config setting for Update Channel From Database Time
v1.2.7 - Beta
- Fixed points remove message
v1.2.6 - Beta
- Tweaks to Spin Command giving random points
v1.2.5 - Beta
- Fixed error on start up
v1.2.4 - Beta
- Fixed Getting of Followers being incorrect due to static variables
- Added channel name to adding and removing points messages
- Added debug message to Getting of Viewers
- Fixed Points Thread erroring if the viewers is empty
- Added Channel, Bot Type information to MJRBot Info console messages
- Small Improvement to the efficiency of the bot
v1.2.3 - Beta
- Tweaks to Prefixs in Console messages
v1.2.2 - Beta
- Fixed left in debug code
- Added Bot Type & Channel prefix to Console messages
v1.2.1 - Beta
- Added Updating Thread for Channel List on the Database
- Changed the ChannelListUpdateThread to run every 30 seconds
- Added Cooldown System for certain commands
v1.2.0 - Beta
- Few fixes
v1.1.9 - Beta
- Added support for getting Database details from the Main Config file
v1.1.8 - Beta
- Tweaks to Bot start up information inputs
- Fixes for Reconnect to Twitch
- Made Channel name input be always lowercase for internal use
- Added support for windows servers
- Started work on making it so you can run multiple bot instances (Part 1)
- Started work on adding SQL Support
- Started work on making it so you can run multiple bot instances (Part 2)
- Started work on making it so you can run multiple bot instances (Part 3)
- Started work on making it so you can run multiple bot instances (Part 4)
v1.1.7 - Beta
- More fixes for Twitch reconnect system
v1.1.6 - Beta
- Fixed Twitch reconnect system
v1.1.5 - Beta
- Fixed Dice Game issues
v1.1.4 - Beta
- Few Tweaks to Dice Game
- Few Tweaks/Fixes to Commands
- Changed Check Users Rank command from !getrank to !rankcheck
v1.1.3 - Beta
- Fixed Dice Multiplier having to be whole numbers
v1.1.2 - Beta
- Removed not needed code
- Added a Dice Game
- Re-enabled uptime command
v1.1.1 - Beta
- Tweaks to Permissions, Tweaks to Commands
- Re-enabled Race Game
- Clean up of randomizers
- Forgotten change in last commit
- Clean up/Fix Formatting
- Fixes for Announcements
- Fixed custom commands error with output messages
- Tweaks to giveaway output message
- Fixed & Re-enabled Giveaway System
- Fixed & Re-enabled Heist Game
- Cleaned/Fixed Message to Chat System
v1.1.0 - Beta
- Fixes for Permission system
v1.0.9 - Beta
- Few fixes for the points system
- Fixes for the Reconnect system for Twitch
- Few fixes for the rank system
- Fixes for Commands System
- Removed unneeded imports
- Added a few config settings, Added Custom Announcements messages
v1.0.8 - Beta
- Small Thread starting fixes
v1.0.7 - Beta
- Fixed Custom commands Null pointer issue
v1.0.6 - Beta
- Some more tiny fixes
v1.0.5 - Beta
- Fixes for Point System, Announcements. Check Followers, Give Away
v1.0.4 - Beta
- Fixed custom commands location
- Fixed Threads not starting
v1.0.3 - Beta
- Added a global variable for file path
- Changes for Mixer Library updates
- Added support to get output messages from the Mixer library
- Clean up/Fix Formatting
- Fixed bot not reconnecting when getting told to by Twitch
- Few fixes for Points System
v1.0.2 - Beta
- Fixed spelling error on a class name
- Added console output for maths game
v1.0.1 - Beta
- Updated project
- Update
- Fixed quote system
- Updated build.xml
v1.0.0 - Beta
- First Version
MJRBot Future Updates:
Note: Change logs in this section will not be final in till released!